Walk Of Life – Day 06, November 2021 – Give Thanks Unto The Lord For
Give Thanks For His Mercy Is Everlasting
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations. – Psalm 100:4,5
The definition of mercy is as stated ( compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm.) This old testament scripture speaks as a reminder that we should give thanks to God for many things in our lives but more specifically for the fact that he has compassion on us and has forgiven us of our sins if we repent and trust in his salvation plan. Hell is a real place and many will choose to go there of their own free will because they rejected Gods plan of redemption thru Jesus Christ. We who have received such a great salvation should give thanks to God that by his mercy we have been given eternal life in heaven. None of us deserve this gift but because God loves us so very much we have been given the opportunity to trade our spiritual death sentence for a new life here on earth. What are we to be considered by such an Heavenly Father. Immersed down in sin and in deep miry clay even without the knowledge of sin and its consequences.
David said, Praise ye the Lord. O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endures for ever (Psalm 106: 1). This theme is repeated over and over for a specific reason. I believe God wants man to understand that HE IS GOOD! He is not just God, he is good. After his road to Damascus conversion, Paul´s understanding of Jesus (and God) was dramatically reformed. From his statements throughout the New Testament, Paul obviously had a much clearer and accurate view of the intent and character of God. He now understood the rationale of Jesus´ purpose, to reveal God´s love and character and to do good in the earth.
Psalm 136 is a special psalm, with each one of its 26 verses repeating the sentence, His mercy endures forever. Psalm 118 repeated that affirmation five times. Throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, the phrase has somewhat of a liturgical sense to it, as if the assembled people of Israel said or sung this in response to the direction of the Levites leading singing and worship. Ezra 3:11 indicates that this encouragement was part of a responsive singing among God’s people: And they sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the LORD: “For He is good, For His mercy endures forever toward Israel.”
It is His mercies that we remain yet unconsumed. Let us thank God for His mercies that has kept us so far not only alive physically but also spiritually. The word of God says during the last days it’s difficult to see faith and yes it is. Real faith is diluted and with all the situations prevailing we find many getting drifted from the faith. We remain not by our perseverance or determination but by the mercies of our Lord.
Give thanks unto the Lord For His mercy is Everlasting.