Walk Of Life – Day 07, March 2021 – The C R O S S of Calvary
Psalm 23:3 “He restores my soul.”
Ever since God has created man, His sole desire was for the man to have fellowship with Him. The disobedience shown by the first man and woman has resulted in the separation of man from God.
The first man would have repented when he has seen how troublesome life has turned after he has got separated from God. However, he could do nothing, except for hoping to seek forgiveness from the Lord. In order to be accepted, he had to kill the innocent animals, through their blood he tried to enter His presence, just for a time. If this were the case today, all the animals would have been extinct.
The deep and strong desire of man was to be restored. He wants to be in that fellowship back again. Would that be possible? It could be possible only through God.
The great separation which took place in the garden of Eden has caused pain and trouble not just to man, but also to the Lord. He has created man after His own image, the same man was separated from Him for being disobedient. The desire for restoration was greater from God’s side compared to the human’s side. We, in our ignorance got used to sin, ready to face wrath and damnation. Only the Lord knew what destiny the path which we travel holds. The sin of mankind is way much greater for a lamb or dove’s blood could atone.
We all by our sins could never be accepted as the children of God. Rejection is what we always got when we approached Him all by ourselves. We were completely helpless. We could neither wash away our sins, nor could we find another way to escape from damnation.
Seeing this helpless state of ours, the Lord was moved with compassion. The one who has all the authority to destroy the entire creation and make everything brand new, did not choose to be harsh towards us. Instead, He planned to make a way for sinners like us to come back to Him. That way is the Lord Jesus Christ. If not for the cross, we are deemed to face rejection all the days of our life. And now we are restored, it is not because of us or seeing us, it is through cross, the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ that we are being restored till today and till the Lord Jesus comes.
Do you remember, in schooling days, when we did not do a particular work or if we were late, the head would ask us to bring our parent, only then he would allow us in. After our parents requested, the head would allow us to enter the school. This is the case with every sinner today. When we come to the Lord to have fellowship with Him, we are rejected, for we are sinners and can never enter into that holy place with our sins. So, the Lord himself has planned, purposed and sent His only begotten son, the Lord Jesus Christ to be the one to bear all our sins on the cross of Calvary. He executed the plan and purpose of the Lord on the cross. Today we are restored only through His sacrifice on the cross of Calvary.
Today, when you see the cross does it strike you that to restore a sinner like you, the Lord Jesus Christ was rejected. A man of God once beautifully explained the scenario on the cross. He said, “When the Lord Jesus Christ shouted saying, “Eli Eli Lama Sabachthani.” Which meant- “My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” it was the time when the Father could no longer hold the hand of the Lord Jesus for all our sins were laid on Him. After His hand was left by the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ through His blood placed our hands in the Father’s hands.” His rejection and our restoration took place at the Cross of Calvary.
Are you still unaware that the Lord Jesus Christ is himself the way to be restored? Are you fed up of being rejected by your own trials of being accepted by the Lord?
Come, let us say this small prayer with a true heart.
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for becoming the way for a sinner like me to be restored. My life without you is meaningless and troublesome. I have the strong desire to have fellowship with you. Thank you for the sacrifice which you have done on the cross of Calvary which has enabled me to overcome the rejection and experience the restoration. In Jesus’ name I pray with thanksgiving, Amen.