Walk Of Life – Day 08, April 2022 – Thoughts From The Words of Jesus Christ
Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
We understand from the Gospel of John that light is one of the most prominent themes. John focuses on the fact that the world is in darkness and the light of the Lord Jesus shines through. This theme is mostly based on the Old Testament account of how the pillar of fire led the children of Israel by night and also how the same pillar protected them from the Egyptian Army while crossing the Red Sea.
Light has the power to expel darkness…completely and totally. When His light shines upon us, we need to be little lights spreading His light in whichever corner the Lord has kept us. Have you allowed the Light of the Lord Jesus to shine in your heart. Imagine a dark room in the attic with lots of unnecessary stuff. If you were to clean it, you cannot possibly do it without a light. And the light needs to be strong and powerful, so that the dirtiest corners can be cleaned, the things in hidden places can be seen…nothing can be hid when His light shines.
We may be born again and baptized but do we let this all-searching Light to be shed abroad in our hearts and expel any form of darkness. Is there some corner in your heart where you are hiding something that you value more that the Lord Himself? Is there some hidden sin, is there some hidden thought life that you think can go unnoticed. Is there some spiritual pride that makes you tell yourself you are much better than the others? Is there some falsehood, some hypocrisy, some disobedience, envy, jealousy, bitterness, anger, unforgiveness lurking in some corner of your heart. Let His Light shine!
Let Him show me my unworthiness, my weakness, my helplessness and may He cleanse me with His precious blood so that my heart is filled with His light. The more His light shines in my heart, the more I can shine for Him in this wicked world. Remember that light and darkness cannot dwell together. His light will dispel every form of darkness or there may be no light at all! DO not deceive yourself. If Christ’s light is shining through you, your heart will be clean and shining brightly for Him.
Shine! Jesus Shine!
O Lord may the light of Your presence shine in me,
In me a reflection of Your glory may others see,
May my heart be a mirror to reflect Your light,
Use me O Lord to push back the darkness of sin’s night.
Shine Jesus Shine brightly in me I humbly pray,
Make me a beacon reflecting Your light day by day,
A living lighthouse Lord for You I long to be,
Reflecting The Light of The World on life’s stormy sea.
O Lord may Your light shine brightly in me I pray,
Let my light brightly shine before others day by day,
Lord Jesus daily in all I say and all I do,
May I truly aim at attracting others to You.
Jesus Light of the World brightly shine in me,
By Your love enable me now to live in victory,
A beacon for You O Lord Jesus I long to be,
Guiding others along the path of freedom full and free