Walk of Life, Day 08- February 2021 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs – BLESSED!
Proverbs 8:35 “For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favor of the Lord.”
We read in Luke 2:52,” And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” This would be the prayer of many godly parents for their children. It is their desire that their children might find favor of the Lord as well as their elders.
The favor that we receive in the Lord Jesus Christ is proved by the breath that we take now. If it were not His favor, then we would be liable for the punishment of sin, that is, death. It is the favor of the Lord which has been prolonging the days of our living.
When do we obtain God’s favor?
It is clearly mentioned in the above verse from Proverbs 8:35 that when we find the Lord, then we find His favor.
Where can we find God?
While the verse says we find life and obtain favor when we find God, it makes us to focus on where do we find Him. We read in John1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word is God.” We find God in His Word, that is, the Holy Bible. Our God is not a molten image, He is not a photograph or a symbol. He is the Word. The Word which quickens us from the dead and makes us living in Christ. The Word which purges us from our uncleanliness and makes us pure. The Word which enlightens our darkest ways, and shows us the path to walk on. You can find the Lord, His mind and thought in His Holy Word- The Holy Bible.
The Word of God is compared to the bread of life in John 6:35. In Him and through Him our hunger and thirst for life will be quenched.
By our sinful life, we all are destined to end up in hell fire after death. However, the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ was shed on the cross of Calvary, living unto this day, powerful to cleanse the sins of any man. The one who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, accepting Him as their savior from the damnation, takes a big leap from death to life.
As long as you treat the Lord Jesus Christ as a man from the Holy Bible or as a man from the history you cannot find the eternal life in Him and you cannot obtain His favor. Know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior, because it is for you that He has suffered on the cross.
These days we are least bothered about the blessing of the Lord’s favor that we as His children have received. We are not thankful for His favor and have taken it for granted. We happen to run here and there to men to find their favor. We do anything to impress men and find their temporal favor. However, when it comes to finding the favor of the Lord, we take it for granted thinking it as His duty to be favorable towards us.
Just imagine if God puts aside His grace and starts looking at us. Would you be sure to live? We are not worthy to be living this life which is presented to us by the Lord as a gift. When there is a solar eclipse, we use solar eclipse glasses to view the sun. God’s grace is like those glasses through which He looks at us. When He looks at us through His grace, He finds us worthy to be living only because of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.
Have you been taking His favor and His grace for granted? Today, let us bow down and thank the Lord for His favor and for His grace which have been protecting us from His wrath.
PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, I come into your presence this moment thanking you for the eternal life that you have given me through Christ Jesus. I admit that I have taken your favor and your grace for granted many times in my life. I did not see your favor as a blessing to me, but have boasted about my filthy self. I thank you this day for your favor and your grace which have been the only reasons for my survival. I determine to be thankful for your favor always. In Jesus’ name I offer this prayer with thanksgiving, Amen.