Published On: Sat, May 7th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 08, May 2022 – Thoughts From The Words Of Jesus Christ

John 4:50 – Jesus saith unto him, Go thy way; thy son liveth. And the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken unto him, and he went his way.

Great Faith – Miracle of the Nobleman’s Son

This is the second miracle that the Lord Jesus performed. He is at Cana where the first miracle was performed and news about the Lord Jesus’ miracle working power has been spread abroad. The noble man, almost 20 miles away came all the way to meet the Lord Jesus.

  1. He had a deep need – His son was sick to death and he needed help. He heard of the Lord Jesus and being concerned for his son, he came all the way. Similarly, we need to be concerned not only about our own spiritual well-being but also that of our children. Our children should live and not succumb to eternal death if they do not believe in the Lord Jesus. We need to bring our children to Jesus for salvation and introduce them to Him. The Lord has entrusted them to us and we need to show them the way to Christ.
  2. He was a man of authority. He was a nobleman which meant he was someone who probably served in Herod’s court and one of great authority. Everyone has problems and there are many things that money cannot buy or solve. The pandemic was a stark reminder to all of us that any amount of riches cannot save unless the Lord Himself grants healing.
  3. He recognized the Savior. The nobleman believed in his heart that Christ could help him that was why he travelled all the way.

He had simple childlike faith.

Crisis faith: For a parent, a sick child is the biggest crisis. He was out of hope, he had probably tried all the medicines available and then he comes to Christ. Crisis many times bring us to the Lord Jesus. The nobleman thought Jesus should be present physically to heal his son. But Jesus does not work the way we expect Him to. He has his own plans. Let Him work His way.

Confident faith: It is strange how he did not hurry back home. He reached only the next day. He fully trusted that because Jesus said his son would be healed.

Confirmed faith: Could you ever go to this father and tell Him that Christ was not God and not the Messiah. He was fully convinced in his heart.

Contagious faith. The Bible records that everyone in his family accepted Christ. How beautiful is that. He shared his faith.

May we learn from this nobleman that God works in mysterious ways. He is all powerful. A word is all it needs for Him to work. We just need to have faith, childlike simple faith.

About the Author

- A born again believer. A content writer by profession who desires to serve the Lord in some way and bring glory to His Name