Walk of Life- Day 09, February 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.
Proverbs 9:11 “For by me thy days shall be multiplied, and the years of thy life shall be increased.”
Generally, during birthdays when the younger ones go to their elders, the elders say,” May God bless you with long life.” Even there is a line in the Birthday song which says ‘Happy long life to you’. Every person wishes to live long, not just for themselves they wish for those whom they like too. No matter how many people wish for your long life, you need to understand that your days can be prolonged only by God.
Psalmist David says in one of his psalms, Psalm 31:15 “My times are in thy hand…” It is very true that we do not have any authority over the times, we can neither choose out date of birth nor can we choose the date of our death. There are many people who select their date of death by committing suicide. This is a big crime, as they are doing something which is not in their hands. What if a beggar does the ribbon cutting before the minister arrives at the shop opening? Committing suicide is just like that. When God has appointed a date of death to us, we should not rush to end it abruptly. We never know what God has kept in store for us in the coming days. Our duty is to just wait on Him, no matter how hard life gets, our gaze should only be towards God, who is the only help we have got.
Can you define long life? We might consider 100 years of life as long life. According to the Holy Bible, Methuselah lived for 969 years. He is the only person who could live that long on this earth. What we as the children of God can understand from the word ‘long life’ is the time span that God gives His children to fulfil his purposes.
Few might die at a very young age, in their 20’s or 40’s. Few might live up to 99 years. We cannot say that the person who dies in their youthful stage due to medical or an accident, is not blessed with long life. The purpose for which God hath placed them on this earth has been fulfilled, that is the reason they enter into rest. Renowned missionary Jim Eliot was killed at the tender age of 29. He was a missionary to the tribals in Ecuador. He said ” He is no fool who gives what he cannot lose to gain what he cannot lose”
This quote is very apt for his short life “ When it comes time to die, make sure all you got to do is die” After the death of these five missionaries, including Jim Eliot, their wives and children went back to the tribals and today, the Aucas are a friendly tribe with many of them following the Lord Jesus. A short life but a full life indeed!
We should never forget that our sole purpose on this earth is to glorify God by fulfilling His purposes.
What should we do with this blessing of long life?
After you have realized that the days that are being added to your life is a blessing from God, what would you plan to do? You would surely make a schedule which tells what you are going to do in the up coming days. Would you take time to know from the one who has gifted you the days, to know why He did it?
Let us examine ourselves this day. Are we utilizing the time judiciously and accurately, fulfilling the purpose of the Lord Jesus Christ? Or Are we using all the time for our own benefit or to fulfil our desires on this world?
Asking God to prolong the days of your life, is not a bad thing, but you need to think of how you are going to utilize these added days. If you take this blessing for granted thinking you can live for Christ to glorify Him in the end, then sorry my friend, you will never know when you are going to breath the last. If you are still negligent of the work that the Lord Jesus Christ has given you, a day comes at the appointed time, where you are no longer living, then the Lord Jesus Christ asks you to given an account on how you have used your blessing, that is, the days of your life. Would you like to hang down your head in shame? Or Would you like to proudly and thankfully present your work to the Lord?
PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for the days which you have been adding to my life. I admit that I have not used them to glorify you. I have been living to fulfil the desires of my flesh. From now, whatever I do, I want to do it for your glory. Help me in fulfilling the purpose which you have for me in my life. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.