Published On: Mon, May 9th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 09, May 2022 – Thoughts From The Words Of Jesus Christ

Jesus Drives out an Evil Spirit at Capernaum – His Authority

(Mark 1:21 to 27, Luke 4:31 to 36)

And they were astonished at his doctrine: for he taught them as one that had authority, and not as the scribes. Mark 1:22

This is again one of the first few miracles of the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus is preaching in the synagogue. He is recognized as a Rabbi and is allowed to preach. But the people find a stark difference between their regular preachers and the teaching of the Lord Jesus. He taught them as one with authority. His authority was evident. Christ spoke with power. His words had a great impact. It was compelling preaching. They were amazed…in another instance the people confess ” Never man spake like this man”

While Jesus is speaking, a demonic spirit recognizes Christ. The demon in the man has more spiritual discernment than many. As a spirit himself, the demon recognizes the powerful presence of another Spirit. And the devil knows that He is Christ, the Son of God. The power is too much for the demon so he yells out.

We may wonder why the Lord Jesus did not let the demon to speak. The demon was interrupting His preaching and ministry. The people were being distracted. Christ never revealed his identity immediately because people may mob Him and He may not be able to continue His ministry. He had His own time and His own way of revealing Himself and the demon had no part in it. Also, the Lord Jesus wanted the person free…the one who was possessed. He loves people and had compassion on them.

No demon can stand before the Lord Jesus’ authority. He is all-powerful. His teachings had power and authority. Are we subject to divine authority? Do we obey Him wholeheartedly and only follow His Word? Do we live a life that will bring glory unto His name? God’s Word is powerful. So if He says it, He will do it.  The word does what it says. This word of God is our safety. It is, As Martin Luther called God himself: “A mighty fortress”, as it carries all the authority of our mighty God. Rest safe in that peace, and in that word, and in Jesus Christ himself, the word made flesh, and in his mighty power. He is our authority. Thanks be to God!

It just needs a word from the Lord to calm your broken soul, to brighten your quenched spirit, to lift you from discouragement, to deliver you from the idols in your life, to keep you safe and sound, and to make you a blessing to many. Be submissive, be alert, and be obedient to His Word, He will guide you and help you. Claim God’s Word daily. Standing on God’s promises is a daily exercise which will make our daily walk with the Lord more and more meaningful.


About the Author

- A born again believer. A content writer by profession who desires to serve the Lord in some way and bring glory to His Name