Published On: Fri, Jul 31st, 2020

Walk of Life – Day 1 – August 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Proverbs 1:7

These days, we hear this quite often, there is no fear of God. The younger generation is growing up in a carefree world where they get whatever they want, do whatever they like, live life at their own pace, and get upset when someone corrects them. It is a ‘I know all’ attitude. I remember when I was in hostel, my friends would say, who will even know what you are doing, come let us go to the theater. But what stopped me then is the same thing that will stop me now…the fear of the Lord.

Am I afraid of God? No definitely not. It is an awe and a reverence that I serve the true and the living God, the ruler of heaven and earth and every word I speak, every step I take, every place I go, every friendship I make or break, every single little thing that happens in my life, He is watching. I am being monitored every minute, every second, by a loving father who wants me to fulfill the purpose for which He placed me in this world. And if I fear Him, respect Him, honor Him, give Him the first place in my life, that is the beginning in my quest for wisdom.

As I gain wisdom, she will guide me, teach me, keep me in the right path, protect me from wrong relationships, and so much more. That is exactly what Solomon wanted, wisdom to lead the children of Israel and that is exactly what each of us need, wisdom, prudence, and understanding to lead a life pleasing unto God. Each of us respect our parents and we make sure that we do not do anything that will cause them pain or make them feel hurt or disappointed. We do that because we know them on a personal basis. We know their struggles, the amount they labor so we are happy, how much they sacrifice so that we can have whatever we want and so on. Similarly, the more you know the Lord, the more you will love and fear Him and the best way to know Him is through His precious Word. He loved you so much that He gave His life for you on the cross. So if you accept Him and follow Him, He who is the fountainhead of all wisdom will make you wise and lead you in the paths of righteousness for His Namesake.

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3:17

About the Author

- A born again believer. A content writer by profession who desires to serve the Lord in some way and bring glory to His Name