Walk Of Life – Day 1, March 2021 – The C.R.O.S.S of Calvary
“What is man that you Consider him and the son of man that you visit him” – Psalm 8:4
“I will consider your application” or “I will consider your case” is the response that we receive from higher authorities when our application or case has failed to win merit. Though they say it will be considered, it won’t be at most of the times. They will come across with a list of negative replies for why they are unable to consider it. So are we personally. We might not be considered important or valuable by people of this world. A sense of dejection or a thought of being unloved could be haunting or brains and hearts. Yes, it is painful to think that we are not loved or considered to be important by people.
Working among young students has made me to come across many who have started to indulge in unwanted addictions or being led into many psychiatric problems just for the reason for not being loved. They go to an extreme of not completing their semesters or even getting discontinued from the course. Even a lot of counseling also seems vague. This is not only for youngsters but just look at the number of old age homes that have come into existence for the children don’t have time and patience to consider their own parents. How many orphans just because the child did not want to be considered.
Dear brother or dear sister, is your heart painful today that you are not considered important or valuable? Stop regretting and stop feeling bad. Our Lord is waiting with open arms to embrace you. Just Say Lord Jesus I am coming to you right now. Accept me Lord. You no need to say “Lord consider me” as He has already considered each and everyone of us and that’s why He gave His life on that CROSS of Calvary. His only desire that we should be with Him forever and ever. Are you and I not precious for being considered so Important that the King of kings and the Lord of Lords gave His life on the Cross.
Is it not worth living for the one who loved us and considered us to the extreme of giving His life on the cross? Though we are nothing to be considered He has considered us. Rejoice for you are considered more precious to inherit the heavenly treasures through the sacrifice made on the cross by our Lord Jesus Christ.
Prayer: Dear Father, thank you for the good news that the great God of universe has considered me. Help me to consider seeking your kingdom and your righteousness more closely. In your matchless name we pray. Amen