Published On: Tue, Jan 10th, 2023

Walk Of Life – Day 10, 2023 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Our Help And Shield

O Israel, trust in the Lord; He is their help and their shield. – Psalm 115 : 9

In Psalm 115 verses 9 to 11 repeats the same confirmation that Lord is their help and their shield. To whom is He the help and the shield? To Israel, house of Aaron and to all those who fear the Lord. We are the kings and priests and the ones who fear Him. And so He promises us that He will strengthen us. And this psalm clearly brings out the difference between from whom we will receive the help and who will not be able to help.

The idols made by man will surely be unable to help as they can neither see nor hear and not even understand. They will not be able to feel our real situation. How much ever we torment and we plead before them that will be of no use. And the psalm clearly states that those who make them also will be like them.

Dear brothers and sisters are you awaiting for help? Are you thinking that someone will come and help you just because they have promised? Are you relying on the influence you have? Sometimes it will happen. But remember there is a huge price that you have to pay for that help that you have received.

The written word of God clearly states that as it was his custom Daniel went to the Lord to pray even after knowing that there is a law issued that whoever worships anyone apart from the King will be thrown into the lion’s den. Daniel would have certainly known many influential people but he went to none of them. As his custom was he went to the Lord. And we all know what happened further. Was he prohibited from being thrown into the lion’s den? Nay. But the whole kingdom witnessed the help that Daniel received from God.

The Lord has been mindful of us and He will bless us (V12).

About the Author

- Being available to be used by the Lord, though not qualified depending upon His grace and Wisdom.