Walk of Life, Day 10- February 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs- BLESSED
Proverbs 10:7 “The memory of the just is blessed: but the name of the wicked shall rot.”
Having the power to memorize is really a blessing. The power of memory is understood and appreciated by students the most. As a human being we all have a set of memories. We can segregate them as good and bad memories.
In the above verse picked from Proverbs 10 we read that the memory of just is a blessing, whereas the memory of the wicked is not. What are the memories that we as the children of God have with us which serve as a blessing for us?
The Holy Bible is a practical book. It tells us about the lives of many great men who have lived for Christ throughout their life. The biggest and greatest memory that every child of God holds is in their very own hands in the form of the Word of God. it is really a blessing for us to have this memory.
Have you realized that the book that is in your hand and in your reach is a greatest blessing that anyone can have? If not, open the Holy Bible and see what a blessing is hidden in there.
It is very easy to set rules. The word of God not just tells us how to live, but also shows us an example of a person who lived through the situation you are going through. When we see someone, who has already dealt with the things prior to us and have come out victoriously, we are strengthened, we feel confident and also, we are sure of the way to move on.
On the other hand, when we consider ourselves, to which part of memory would we belong to in other’s memory? Will we be a part of their good memory? or will we be in their bad memory?
You might do a hundred good things, if you fail to do one good deed and instead you choose to be bad, people recognize you by that bad deed. We are not living for people for sure, but we do leave an impression of ourselves in their minds without our knowledge. So, when people have to remember you, they happen to remember by the impression which you have made on them.
As a child of God, we always need to remember that we always carry the name of the Lord Jesus Christ with us. It is not you who is living, but Christ lives in you (Galatians 2:20). So, our life must leave a positive impact on the lives of the people who live with us.
Is it easy to live in such a way that we are being examined by the people all the time?
No, it is not. Moreover, it is considered as hypocrisy which can be termed as a sin. In a blind attempt of being in the good books of people, you can lose reward from God.
As a child of God, remember these two things which would make you guiltless.
Firstly, whatever you do, see to it that you do it for the glory of God. You are to please the Lord Jesus Christ alone, and not people around you.
Secondly, never do something which would cause trouble for others in following Our savior. The little things that we take it for granted, might seem very little for us. However, when our friends who are weaker than us see us committing things which are not for us, they take us as a bad example and go in a wrong way.
When we leave this world to be with the Lord, may we be remembered for joy, but not for sorrow.
“One day you will just be a memory for some people, do your best to be a good one.”
PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for the blessed memories of your dear saints that you have placed in your precious word. Thank you for all the blessed elders in Christ whose memory edifies me at my every step. Help me at my every step to remain as a blessed memory for my fellow believers as well as to the gentiles. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.