Walk of Life-Day 10-January,2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.
Proverbs 10:6 “Blessings are upon the head of the just: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.”
If everything goes on just like the way we plan, then we call it as a blessing. If there is something that occurs without our prior knowledge, completely out of the box, causing discomfort to us, we call it a curse.
It is very important for a believer to know what a blessing is and what are the two types of blessings? It is also important to know what kind of blessing we should be looking for.
Blessing is the favor and protection that we receive from God. We should never define blessing based on our comforts. Most of us imagine and plan everything for our life and when things do not happen that way, we feel we are not blessed. There is another mistake that few believers do and that is they compare their lives with others and then measure the blessings. They say I am not as blessed as you are.
One day a rose plant looked worried. God asked the rose plant what was the cause for its worry. The rose plant replied, “Look at those wild flowers God, they look beautiful and everyone likes to go to them. The cattle, little children play with those. I am not as blessed as them. Why have you not blessed me?” God smiled and replied,” Trust me, you are blessed.” The rose plant protested and asked the Lord to bless her in the way she wanted to. So, God granted the wish of the rose plant and removed the thorns which it had. The next day, when the God saw the rose plant in the evening, he found it stuck to ground with no flowers. God asked,” Dear rose plant, what has happened to you?” the poor rose plant with a feeble voice replied, “Lord, please do give me back my blessing- the thorns.”
Sometimes favor of God and protection that we receive from Him makes us feel different from others. However, God says, “Trust me, my child. I have got everything under my control.” We like that rose plant, order God to do the things according to our plans. Sadly, we can see only the next step sometimes, but the Lord knows our entire journey. We provoke God to do what we want. There comes a time when we weep and realize that we have actually asked Him to take away our blessing, but not to give one.
So, whatever you receive from God is a blessing. Do not define it according to your comforts or according to your plans which are tentative.
There are two types of blessings.
- Earthly or Physical blessings
- Heavenly or spiritual blessings.
Our God is not a partial God. All the natural resources that we enjoy today are equally given by God for all mankind. Even financially it is not the case that only children of God, born again believers bag the foremost position of the list of affluent people on this earth. In educational or career field, we do not see only the children of God standing in first positions. Even the people who do not believe in the Lord Jesus excel in their respective fields. Does this mean that the children of God do not have any blessings on this earth like the infidels?
That again reminds us of comparing and defining. A child of God, who has surrendered completely to the hand of God, can see the new blessings that he has been receiving form God day by day. When we submit ourselves to God, He will direct us magnificently teaching at our every step, protecting us from harm and evil. When you trust in God, money, degrees will not be counted as blessings to you.
Our God, the Lord Jesus gives us what we need. We read the psalmist say,” The God is my shepherd, I shall not want.” (Psalm23). Our God will never place us in want, what more do we need?
We should rejoice every moment reminding ourselves of the word in Ephesians 1:3-5 which speaks about ‘the spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ’ which we have all received. The greatest spiritual blessing that we have received is the salvation in the Lord Jesus.
Remember, never let yourself down thinking that you are not blessed. It is foolish for a child of God to think that he is not blessed. You are chosen by the highest God, you are His child, you are bought at a price, you have got a blessed hope that one day you are going to live with the Lord Jesus. You are chosen to receive that everlasting joy which no one can take away from you. See how blessed we all are in Christ!
NEW YEAR RESOLUTION: Dear Lord, I admit that many a times I have compared myself with others and have underestimated your power, plans and purposes. I have directed you instead of seeking direction from you. Forgive me Lord. Today, I know that whatever I get from you is a blessing. I might not be understanding it now, but know that you are doing it for my good. Upholding Romans 8:28 I will love you for all the good things that you have been planning for in my life. Thank you, Lord, for the new blessings that you have kept in store for me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.