Walk of Life – Day 10 – June 2021 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs – Fear Not!
Fear Not – Blessings Crown You
Blessings crown the head of the righteous, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked. Proverbs 10.6
As a child of God, you are blessed. It is fear all around but in Christ, you can rest assured, in life or death, in sickness or health, in sadness or happiness, the Lord’s blessings will rest upon you. Having a friend by your side always feels very comforting doesn’t it? When you have the fountainhead of all blessings, the Lord Jesus Christ, always beside you, you are definitely and surely a blessed and a happy person. Here is a list of some blessings that will ensure that you do not fear anything in life…the Lord is with you.
Engraved on His hands – Isa 49:16
When I think of a parent’s love, I often remember this verse. While we were growing up, whether we were near or far away, our parents would always be thinking of us and praying for our well-being. When I was younger, communication was not this advanced and even LAN phones were not there. But they would be so concerned of where we are, make sure they keep us under someone’s care, keep checking on us in whatever way possible a letter or a greeting card. I imagine the Lord Jesus looking at His hand and seeing a miniature me there, where I am, what I am doing, what is going on in my life, and checking to see how He can guide me, lead me and help me. What a comforting thought.
Enrolled in His book Heb 12:23
James M. Black will be always remembered for his song “When the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there.” he had invited a poor child to Sunday school and when he when each member answered the roll call by repeating a scripture text, the girl failed to respond. This situation brought the thought to Black’s mind that it would be a very sad thing if our names are called in heaven and we should be absent. The thought, although not biblically sound, brought this prayer to the lips of Black: “Oh, God, when my name is called up yonder, may I be there to respond!” Being enrolled in the Lamb’s Book of Life, is one of the greatest blessings. If you have not yet accepted the Lord Jesus and are not enrolled in his book, please do so today.
Encouraged in His service 2 Chr 35:2
Fellowship is another great blessing when we become the children of God. We all need to be loved and encouraged by each other. It feels terrible to be lonely and alone. As God’s children we are members of the same body, of the same family. It is in times of deep grief and sorrow that you realize the blessing of God’s people standing around you like shock absorbers helping you stand strong in Him.
Encamped round by His angel Psa 34:7
The eyes of the Lord are forever on those that hope in His unfailing love, and God dispatches ministering angels to protect His children who trust in His name. God’s holy angels are ministering servants sent forth to render service to those who shall be heirs of salvation. They are a flame of fire that act as a defence against the invisible forces of evil and stand guard against malevolent spirits that seek to do them harm.
Endued with power by His Spirit Luke 24:49
We have the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Lord Himself with us always. When we are emptied of self, we are filled with the Spirit of God. He strengthens us, guides us, and keeps us in the right path.
Truly we are blessed people. Fear not, trust in the Lord, the blessing of His protection, His presence, His guidance is always your portion.