Published On: Thu, Mar 18th, 2021

Walk Of Life- Day 10, March 2021- The C R O S S of Calvary.


2 Corinthians 5:21 “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become righteousness of God.”

Can anyone of us boldly call ourselves righteous without knowing the Lord Jesus Christ? Romans 3: 10 says that there is no one righteous. How can anyone call themselves or prove themselves righteous?

To be called as a righteous person, the person should be doing every thing right without any mistake. This is quite impossible for any human to be righteous through their deeds.

However, we read in today’s title ‘Righteousness at the Cross’. How a helpless sinner was called as a righteous child of God at the Cross? It is true that we are not righteous, but the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ is imputed to us.

To understand this, a messenger gives an illustration. He takes his Holy Bible which has black cover, he places it under a white cloth. Though the cover of the bible is black, when it is placed under a white cloth it appears white. In the same way, we as sinners are very helpless and are in every way susceptible to fall for sin due to our infirmities. Righteousness is a thing that we can never achieve by our deeds. However, when a sinner looks at the cross where the Lord Jesus Christ has shed His precious blood for the remission of his sins, when he confesses his sins, seeks for forgiveness believing in the Lord Jesus, then the Lord Jesus Christ will cleanse him with His blood and cover him with righteousness. He will cloth him with righteousness.

Now the sinner in us no more appears as we have put on the robe of righteousness. It gives a great pleasure filled with gratitude and guilt to be called righteous. On one blessed day, when the Lord Jesus is going to introduce us in His kingdom, He would surely call you as His righteous child. What have we done to be worthy to be called as a righteous child of God?

Nothing! We just stood still and let the Lord Jesus himself work in us and through us. Praise be to God who hath made us righteous through His son the Lord Jesus Christ at the cross of Calvary!

“Yes, righteousness is what God is, and, yes, righteousness is what we are not, and, yes, righteousness is what God requires. But “God has a way to make people right with him” (Rom. 3:21). The path of righteousness is a narrow, winding trail up a steep hill. At the top of the hill is a cross. At the base of the cross are bags. Countless bags full of innumerable sins. Calvary is the compost pile for guilt. Would you like to leave yours there as well?”

PRAISE: Dear Lord Jesus, righteous God, I praise you and thank you for the cross of Calvary where you shed your precious blood for the remission of my sins and for clothing me with righteousness. Thank you, Lord, for imputing your righteousness to me. In Jesus’ name I offer this praise and thanksgiving to thee alone, Amen.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.