Published On: Tue, May 10th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 10, May 2022 – Thoughts From The Words Of Jesus Christ

Miracle Of Healing Peter’s Mother-in-Law sick with Fever

Now when Jesus had come into Peter’s house, He saw his wife’s mother lying sick with a fever. 15 So He touched her hand, and the fever left her. And she arose and served them. – Mark 8:14,15

Perhaps this could be the very short and sweet miracle performed by our Lord recorded in the which teaches us to look to the Lord even for our smallest needs. Peter’s mother in Law had a normal fever. Nothing mentioned of other sickness related to fever. Just a slight rise in temperature, little more than 98.4 degree Fahrenheit. but that’s enough to make a person succumbed down. We clearly understand that she was unable to be active as it is recorded just immediately after our Lord healed her she arose and served everyone at the house.

My dear brothers and sisters, at many times we used to set boundaries for our prayers. We all who have been raised in faith have no doubt that with God everything is possible and so we look up to Him earnestly and fervently for all the situations that are impossible for us. Whereas, for our small needs and problems we tend to solve it by our self. Just a fever, immediately take one Dolo 650, A headache treat it with a pain killer, a small financial need borrow it from someone immediately without asking our Lord for guidance. Even in seeking Lord’s will we all have been taught to seek the Lord for His direction in choosing our life partner, and we do it but rarely we seek His guidance to choose the shop for purchasing wedding garments. For that we tend to inculcate our own thoughts. This design, this colour, this shop, this much amount everything becomes our own idea.

Even to go for an hair cut Bro. Bakht Singh, used to pray for the time he has to go and to which barber he needs to go so that he will be able to share the gospel to that precious soul at that time. We also read of King David that he enquired to the Lord for everything. We read about his inquiries in 1 Samuel 23:1-3; 1 Samuel 23:4,5; 1 Samuel 23:10,11; 1 samuel 23:10-14; 1 Samuel 30:8,9; 2 Samuel 2:1,2; 2 Samuel 5:17-21; David’s multiple inquiries of the Lord reveal that he was a man of prayer, who was always intent to know His will. This was the main reason why he was called a man after God’s own heart. God says, “I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will” (Acts 13: 22). And David did!

Is it not amazing? A man with so many flaws but God found him to be a man after His own heart. What is the reason? David depended on the Lord for each and every single situation. No matter what you are going through, small or big don’t ignore. Don’t try to solve with your knowledge, based on your experience, with your ability, with your availability. Go to the Lord in prayer. There are situations where God tests our faith not by allowing us to go through an impossible situation but through an ordinary problem just like the fever of Peter’s mother in law. His touch would make everything whole. He deals with everything in a different way. All we need is faith like a mustard.

Dear Lord, help us to be ever dependent on you always willing to share everything with you and to seek your will at all circumstances. Lord help us to be man and woman close to your heart. Amen

About the Author

- Being available to be used by the Lord, though not qualified depending upon His grace and Wisdom.