Published On: Mon, Apr 11th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 11, April 2022 – Thoughts From The Words Of Jesus Christ On The Cross

“Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” LUKE 23:34

“Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” LUKE 23:43


The seven words of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross are widely pondered upon during Good Friday. In many denominations, these beautiful words are discussed only on Good Friday, but not on any other regular day. However, these words carry important message not just for one day, but for the lifetime. They not only reveal the divine nature of the Lord, but also help us to become more like Him.

The first two words of the Lord Jesus Christ talk about the forgiveness and hope. The scenario at the cross is very much clear to us. We know how an entire troop of soldiers and a group of people were against one man who was nailed on the cross. No one has yet repented or expressed a feeling of regret while they were troubling the Lord Jesus Christ, but still He pleaded for their forgiveness, even though they did not ask for it. In our lives, it is easy for us to forgive those who repent, but are we able to forgive them that still keep hurting us? Many try to forget what has happened and thereby start everything new, which rarely can happen. We need to attain the stage where we still, knowing the damage caused can love people who have contributed their share in hurting us.

The scenario of the second word on the cross questions us of our faith in the Lord Jesus, and also helps us examine how far we trust in the Lord. There were three on three different cross, one in the middle is the Lord Jesus Christ, and either sides of Him there were two notorious thieves. Though they all were suffering on the cross, the suffering that the Lord Jesus Christ was bearing blamelessly is very huge compared to them. The thief to whom the second word of the Lord Jesus was concerned, saw the Lord Jesus Christ beyond the suffering He was going through. While the other thief could only see Him as one along with them being punished, this thief knew it very well that irrespective of the situation, the Lord Jesus is still able to save him. Many a times we see the Lord Jesus Christ incapable of doing wonders in our lives. We think that this certain problem is too hard for the Lord Jesus Christ to handle. When God allows a trouble in our life, He does equip us to endure through that trouble. So, do not see the Lord Jesus Christ as the helpless one who is on the cross, but see Him as the Almighty, who He really is!




About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.