Walk Of Life, Day 11 – July 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs
Proverbs 11: 12 He that is void of wisdom despiseth his neighbor: but a man of understanding holdeth his peace.
It is really great and surprising that the Holy Bible has an answer for every query and shows us the way to live in every situation.
We often find ourselves in situations which come without any prior notice and demand our response to those situations. How do we react? Do you follow your instincts or do you go to your Master?
In today’s article we will read about a particular group of people who knowingly or unknowingly bring a great danger to themselves.
There are many people who are more interested to judge. Whatever the situation might be, they always consider themselves as judge.
As we read in Matthew 7:1 “Judge not,that ye be not judged.” this verse belongs to all age groups. People generally consider themselves as men of understanding as soon as they enter a respectful position in their career or if they attain certain age. This is not wrong, but there are times when these people behave as men void of wisdom by judging when it is not needed.
The above verse (verse 12) tells us that we are not wise if we despise our neighbor. Then what are we as wise expected to do? We are expected to stay calm. Wise people do not hurry in judging anyone.They stay calm and their silence does not mean that they are incapable to tell what is right and what is wrong , but their silence is the time they take to spend with the Lord , our only Judge and get guidance from him.
When you judge hastily you are not just considered as a fool but there is another thing you should be careful of. As we read in Proverbs 11:1 God hates false weights, if your judgement is wrong then you are an abomination to the Lord.
There will be situations where people themselves choose you to judge them. They are flatterers and you need to be vigilant. Do not be in a hurry and haste to pass your judgement. Submit the matter to God, do as He leads you.
It is better to be called as a fool by man than being called a fool by God.
Dear Lord;
I bring myself under your control. Forgive me for being a judge to many when it was not needed. I do not want to be in a hurry and then regret. Guide me Lord in your way and keep me away from flatterers who await my fall. Help me to deal wisely with them. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen