Published On: Sat, Sep 11th, 2021

Walk Of Life – Day 11, September 2021 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs – Step In

Step In To Be Blameless In Your Ways

Those who are of a perverse heart are an abomination to the Lord, but the blameless in their ways are His delight. – Proverbs 11:20

The language of “blamelessness” is used for sacrifices offered to the Lord, which are to be “without defect” (Numbers. 6:14). Thus, we who are “in Christ” have been chosen by God much in the way he chose Israel, so that we might belong to him and fulfill his purposes on earth.

The thought that we are chosen to be blameless before God might be a scary one. After all, we know our shortcomings and sins. We are neither spotless nor perfect. So why has God chosen us, of all people? The answer lies in two simple but essential words in Ephesians 1:4. God chose us “in him,” that is, in Christ. We are not chosen because of our own perfection or ability to be perfected. Rather, we are chosen in and through Christ, who did offer himself as the blameless sacrifice. Thus, our blamelessness is not earned, but conferred in Christ by God’s grace.

Yet, this does not mean that our behavior is irrelevant. Indeed, through God’s Spirit, we are to live out who we are in Christ. As Paul explains to the Romans, we are to present our bodies “as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God” (Rom. 12:1). We do this by offering ourselves to God each day, seeking to live in a way that honors him and advances his kingdom in the world. When we fail–and we The blameless character of Christ is seen in his continuing work as the believer’s high priest who “meets our need — one who is holy blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens” ( Heb 7:26 ).

When applied to Christians, the quality of blamelessness is both a positional benefit of salvation and a moral character to be achieved. Each person is worthy of accusation in the sight of God. The blameless character of Christians, however, is the intention of God, who “chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight” ( Eph 1:4 ). Christ’s love and sacrifice for the church were such that he could present her to himself “without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless” ( Eph 5:27 ). The characteristic of blamelessness thus should define the believer’s private and public life as a reflection of the transforming work of God’s grace in salvation.

Blessed are those whose ways are blameless,who walk according to the law of the Lord. – Psalm 119:1

We are being blessed when we are blameless and the rule book is the word of God. Let us step in to be blameless in all our ways as it is the delight of the Lord.

About the Author

- Being available to be used by the Lord, though not qualified depending upon His grace and Wisdom.