Published On: Mon, Apr 11th, 2022

Walk Of Life- Day 12, April 2022 – Thoughts From The Words Of Jesus Christ On The Cross.

“Woman, behold, thy son!”…”Behold thy mother!” JOHN 19:26-27

“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” MATTHEW 27:46


We must have witnessed or have seen in dramas where an elder of a family, before dying would place the hands of his children in the hands of his very much trusted acquaintance. This symbolizes, the passing of responsibility. This is done to a very trusted person, not to anybody else. Not just at the time of death but also during weddings of the south, there is a tradition where the bride’s father places her hand in the hands of the bridegroom saying she is no longer his daughter, but from now onwards the complete rights on her belong to the bridegroom.

Here in the third word passage, John 19:26-27 we see the similar act, where the Lord Jesus Christ assigns the responsibility of a son to one of His disciples. By reading Mark 6:3 we learn that Mary and Joseph had more sons and daughters after the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Despite of this fact, why did He choose His disciple to be the son to His mother? It is because, the Lord Jesus has already said it much before His suffering, which we read in Matthew 12:50, that whosoever does the will of the Father is a brother to Him. The Lord Jesus loved this disciple, so He chose him to be His substitute as a son to His mother, Mary. This serves as an eye opener to many Christians today, who are satisfied to be born as Christians. Once a friend of mine has asked me from which generation did my family start living as Christians. This sounds very ridiculous. There any many who think it is enough to be born as Christians. However, the truth is that only those who are born again, accept the Lord Jesus as their personal savior, only they can inherit the kingdom of God.

To be selected by the Lord, you should be loved by Him, and that can take place when you are doing His will.

In the fourth word we see the anguish of the Lord Jesus Christ on being forsaken by the Father. The Lord Jesus Christ did not use any magical power to exempt Himself from feeling the physical pain that was being caused by the physical wounds. He bore them all in silence. Only a small finger cut would make many of us cry in pain, just imagine the back being ploughed, hands and feet being nailed, head being pierced by thorns. Too much pain, indescribable! Yet He bore all that in silence. The physical wounds, mental wounds by their indecent words did not make Him cry, but the spiritual wound, which was caused when the Father left His hand, made Him cry aloud.

When we examine ourselves according to the fourth word, have we ever cried for a spiritual wound? Do we have spiritual wound? When a person is alive only then can he experience the pain out of a wound. Though we call a cut as a wound on the dead body, that body cannot feel the pain. In order to feel the pain, one should be alive. Are you alive spiritually? If you are, then do you feel the pain when you see the brothers behaving carnally in the assembly, and also when you see the believers backsliding, doing all wicked things? When the house of God is going through trouble and you are carefree, living with no pain, praying casually, please check if you are alive spiritually. It is no time for us to look after ourselves, thinking it is someone else’s job to pray for the Church.


Haggai 1:4 “Is it time for you, O ye, to dwell in your ceiled houses, and this house lie waste?”

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.