Walk Of Life – Day 12, January 2021 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs
In the way of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death – Proverbs 11 : 28
Torn rags, ugly face, blood wounds all over the body, untidy, scarry, noisy, unruly – these are some words that fits for the demon possessed man who dwelt in the tombs that we come across in Mark chapter 5. Just after 14 verses the scenario changes with different set of words as cleanly dressed, clean face, healed body, clean, approachable, silent, kind and it can be still added on. I hope all the readers are certain of this passage, if not just spare your time to read Mark chapter 5.
What is the reason for this complete transformation?
Obviously, the answer is he meets Jesus, the restorer of our life. A new life, complete transformation just maybe within few minutes. A person who could not reside in the residence area but made his living in the tombs and hills now walks around the streets of Decapolis proclaiming the secret of his new life.
Every child of God, after being born again embraces this New Life as we read in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” No doubt about it. A time where we experienced heaven coming down and filling our soul. The transaction was so quickly made. The joy, that flooded our soul knew no bounds. As you are reading this, I encourage you to rejoice again for that day of fresh start. ‘O happy day! O happy day!’. Our desires changed, our commitments changed and so our habits. We couldn’t contain the joy. As I’m writing this I look back to the day when I got this new life with His abundant mercies. But as days passed by, I started losing the aroma of feeling fresh. My intimacy with the Lord reduced. Again, our Lord had to pour out His New life into me.
Feeling of this new life is not a one-day experience. Everyday we should feel new. Even if one day we miss out our communication with our Lord we should feel that we are old. We should be in constant acquaintance with our Lord to enjoy the new life.
Are you feeling this new life my dearly beloved? If not, set things right. Ask the Lord to rejuvenate your life. There is nothing greater than the joy that we experience through the new life that we receive through Christ our Lord. It’s only in the way of righteousness is life. Let us not allow sin to prevail. May the Spirit of our Lord make us more cautious to experience this new life every moment of our life.
New Resolution: only in the way of righteousness is Life. To be filled with this new life every day, Lord make me very much aware of the sin that creeps