Published On: Wed, Jan 12th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 12, January 2022- Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs – Enter.

Proverbs 12:4 “A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.”

Enter, by being virtuous

In the verse we read it as a virtuous woman or in other words a woman of noble character. A husband who has a wife with such noble character has her as his crown, she brings glory to her husband with her noble behavior. Here character makes us understand one thing, that is, it does not change when your surroundings change. Your character is the same even when you are in the midst of thousands or when you are all alone in a room. As the verse talks literally about woman and husband, this does not imply that this devotion is just for wives. We all know it very well that we as the church are addressed to the bride and the Lord Jesus Christ, the bride groom. When we understand the above scripture in this perspective, we can examine our lives as the bride of Christ and mend our ways to bring glory to His name.

There is a person in the history who liked the Lord Jesus Christ, but not the Christians. Well, we do not encourage the idea that one could be saved through any other human being, because salvation is only through the Lord Jesus Christ, by looking at Him one can get saved. However, we are like the stars that glow for the Lord Jesus, we are appointed as His ambassadors. So, people look at us and come to Christ. We are just the sign boards for them to reach the destination.

Just consider that we are the lamps that God hath placed on His way to give light for others to enter His way. What happens if we stop giving light? Would anyone like to enter a place that does not have any light? Many a times our lives have been this way. We have not been the vessels of noble character. All we did was to follow the rules just as we do in public places. For example, we go to library, we follow the rule of being quiet. That does not mean that we remain quiet the entire life. This we have practiced in the churches too. We be like the saints in the church and when we get back to our work places we show them our true character. This contradiction in the life of a single believer, not just harms him spiritually, but also either sets a wrong example for many or encourages others to detest the way of the Lord.

As a child of God, we are deemed to seek for God’s help in building a noble character in us. It is true that we cannot do anything by ourselves in this regard except for asking the Lord Jesus to take hold of us.

In this new beginning let us examine ourselves, are we setting a wrong example for others by acting differently at different places? Are we becoming a stumbling block for someone else’s salvation? When we start looking at Christ, we start following Him, we put on Him and show Him to others, and people can see the Lord Jesus through you and be saved. This is the noble character of us that brings glory to our bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.