Walk of Life – Day 12 – November 2021 – Give Thanks Unto the Lord
Give Thanks for You are on His Mind
Psalm 138:8 – The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me.
This is one of my favorite Bible verses. He will perfect that which concerns me. I am in this world, I have parents, friends, and family who I believe care for me and love me. However, all of them put together cannot do anything for me if He does not permit. He is my creator, He formed my innermost being, He designed my thoughts, my emotions, my nature, my looks, my being…everything about me. He placed me as His instrument in this world and it is my duty to humbly and willingly play to His tunes. He is my heavenly Father, my Savior, my Lord, my best friend, the One and Only One in this whole wide universe who perfectly and exactly knows what is best for me.
He will perfect that which concerns me only if I submit to His will. We know of computers that get hacked or get controlled by viruses and eventually the owner has no power whatsoever left and we reboot the computer. Sometimes that also does not work and we need to reinstall everything again and there are a number of cases we actually end up discarding the computer because it eventually is of no use. The Lord, I believe never comes to the last step. He convicts me of sin through His Holy Spirit, makes me His own child, and He works on me every single day to conform me to His image. Every morning when I awake, I have a loving father watching over me. He cares about my every step, every person I meet, every decision I take, every single thing that happens in my life. He allows me to be corrected, cornered, praised, criticized, loved, hated because eventually He is working on me. He is perfecting…have you seen a sculptor, a painter or a potter…especially those who are artisans…they will never be satisfied till their creation is exactly what they had conceived in their mind. If the clay is hard and not pliable, the potter rather break it all over again and begin afresh. He will perfect but I need to be in complete total submission to His will. I will never ask Him why because He knows best. He knows which paint, which color, which texture, which pattern, will actually make the perfect painting; He knows how hard the clay has to be, how much time in the fire…He knows how much the gold needs to be refined…till He can see His reflection in my life. It may seem hard for me, sometime He may seem rude and far away, sometime I may wonder where He is…but He is perfecting…every single moment…His decisions are perfect. He makes NO mistake whatsoever.
Truly thankful, grateful to have the Lord Jesus as Lord of my life. He cares for me and loves me so. The creator of heaven and earth, the one who made the entire universe has this tiny insignificant creature on His mind. What a privilege! Thank you dear Lord from the depths of my heart!!