Walk Of Life – Day 13, April 2021 – Thoughts From the Book Of Proverbs – DON’Ts
People who despise advice are asking for trouble; those who respect a command will succeed. Proverbs 13:13 NLT
Advice is guidance or recommendations offered with regard to prudent future action – pertaining to the future. All of us desire to have a prosperous, safe and happy future yet most of us do not take the advice given to them. One who is desiring for the well-being of another person gives advice. The above verse clearly states that those who despise advice are asking for trouble.
There are many who suffer because of despising the advice of their well-wishers and godly elders. One’s pride does not allow them to listen to others, they are only bothered about themselves. When we listen to others and take their advice it may not be useful in the short term, but definitely in the long run.
We need to consider the advice of the wise, elders, well-wishers, and godly persons but before accepting any advice, do take it to the Lord in prayer. Listen to God without having any kind of reservations in your heart. Sometimes we need to consider the advice of the younger ones even, just as the princess who took Moses took the advice of the young girl in having a Hebrew woman as nurse for the baby. The princess immediately said Yes.
When you consider advice, God’s plans are executed and are accomplished. The Bible says those who respect the command will succeed. The person who listens to the advice shows respect and trust on the person. When we give ear to advice we need to be humble enough to take it to the Lord in Prayer when you are still struggling between two thoughts. The still and firm voice of the Lord can never lead you in a wrong way. You need to have a listening ear and a humble heart to obey the Lord or to take the advice of the wise who accepted the Lord.
Some experience unnecessary struggles in life just because they have taken decisions on their own and did not consider others in the family. As husband and wife it is always better to consider each others advice, kneel down in the Lord’s presence and, confirm prayerfully, as the Lord leads without any human intervention. Children ought to obey the parents as they do not know what is good for them. Teens who think they are right need to pause and pray to be led in the right direction and not listen to the advice of the friends. Now a days people only want to listen to what they like or are comfortable with. This is not correct, a believer must be able to consider even if it tough, sometimes God places us amidst of tough situations for us to learn few valuable things in life especially patience.
Respecting the Lord’s commandments bring success. In every step, every area of my life, I need to ask, Am I obeying the Lord? Joseph prospered because God was with him…it is an excellent formula for success. Obey His commandments and follow it wholeheartedly, blessing and success will surely follow.