Published On: Sun, Feb 13th, 2022

Walk of Life – Day 13 – February 2022 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs – Love!

The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich. Proverbs 13:4 KJV

Love to have a soul which is diligent!

Diligentconstant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything

The meaning of the word diligent reminds me of the old widow in the new testament who persistently goes to the unjust king for justice, and her persistent efforts made the unjust king to do justice for her.  We might have taken many resolutions this new year to be more efficient at school/college/work place/church activities so on and so forth; are you diligent enough in keeping those resolutions till date?

Consistency is the key, I like this phrase.  The consistent efforts of the widow won sympathy of the unjust king and got her great victory.  A lazy person desires many things but does not take any action on it.  However, the one who is diligent tries to accomplish his tasks first on a daily basis and then focuses on short-term or long-term goals.  We being the children of the Most High God, are supposed to take persistent action,  there should be an agenda of things on our list.

Many of us has many desires to grow spiritually, to be strong in faith and many other things, goals to score good marks and be an efficient employee so on.. how far are we working on it? Are those efforts constant? Are we diligent?

We need to admit the fact that we cannot achieve anything in this world without God and without his help.  Are we diligent in seeking God and His will in our life?

To be diligent, we need to have a strong desire to win.  In prayer, we can accomplish everything that we need to do, only through our Lord Jesus.  So a believer can do all things only through Christ Jesus. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  When we do things on our own we tend to become tired, discouraged and discontinue.  Firstly, the desire should be Godly and for the glory of God and not our own selves. Next, we need to be constant in our efforts which drives us towards our goal.  There are few challenging tasks which can only be won by God like building up of the broken walls of church or ministry.  Those things which can be accomplished in the spiritual realm, have you got them as an agenda in prayer?  Are you persistent enough in praying? Do you see the progress because of your prayers?

The desire should be noted down and turn it into an action plan.  The outcome is given by God and not our own efforts.  When we do things on our own it is so difficult but when we do it with the help of God things turn to be going well. Remember, our God is interested in minute details of our life He desires to make us fruitful, rich and his blessing is always in abundance.  Put everything in prayer.  If you want to reduce weight which is causing many health issues ask God’s wisdom, Bible has answers for every question.  Have you asked God to give you a city at least a church and its souls in prayer?  Do you have the burden to pray for the souls which are moving out of the truth so easily?  To pray for the perishing souls in your vicinity.. are you persistent enough in prayer?

The daily activities that you do, are they adding up to your bigger picture of your goals?  Are you able to conquer your fears through prayer? Have you taken this important decision to keep mobile at a bay and reduce the usage of mobiles for unnecessary reasons?  Mobile has become an important entity in everyone’s life. It has become an integral part of one’s life starting from a child to an adult.  We need to make sure we do  get away from our goals and desires, if there is a hindrance in seeking God in prayer to overcome any kind of mobile or social media addiction. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Be diligent in prayer so that God will fill us with wisdom and strength so that all our desires will be accomplished through Christ’s strength and we protect our souls and make wise decisions.  Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:16

Dear Lord, Help me not be unwise but wise, and strengthen me so that I make good decisions and bring you glory.  Help me to be diligent in loving you and living for you. In Jesus name Amen.







About the Author

- A born-again believer who loves to write and meditate deeply on the Word of God to know the heart and mind of Lord Jesus Christ. Few thoughts are shared here to bring souls to Christ and to uplift the fallen and also for me to learn first by writing whatever God speaks to me.