Walk Of Life – Day 13, July 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms.
Psalm 11 – Righteous God loveth righteousness
The children of God are always the targets to the wicked one. As we read in the beginning verses of Psalm 11, we can see how the psalmist compares the wicked to a hunter and the righteous to a bird. We must have read many fables about bird and a hunter. These stories describe how hard the hunter tries and prepares to catch a bird, and how cleverly the bird escapes.
In our lives too, we face the snares of the wicked one. He keeps his target on us always. It is not our clever thoughts or our devices that could help us. It is only by trusting in the Lord, we can be saved. As a bird flies immediately to its hiding place, so do we run to our only hiding place, that is, the Lord Jesus Christ. T eyes of the Lord are always watching us from heaven. He knows us and also what we are going through. When He sees the righteous being troubled by the wicked, He does not stay calm, but will surely destroy the wicked as mentioned in the verse 6.
How great is our God in whom we trust! Have you ever wondered thinking – ‘Why does God want to protect His people from the wicked?’ It is because the righteous God loveth righteousness. However, we can never become righteous by our own efforts. Our deeds to become righteous are filthy rags in His sight. A child of God is made righteous by being washed in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. He imputes His righteousness to us. Therefore, we become righteous through Him. To experience this love in full from Him, my dear friend, be washed by His blood continually.
Being a child of God does assure safety, but not the absence of troubles. The wicked one is always after us to bring us down, harm us. However, there is nothing to worry, as we put our trust in the Lord.