Walk Of Life- Day 14, April, 2022 – Thoughts From The Words Of Jesus Christ On The Cross & The Significance Of Maundy Thursday.
“Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit.” LUKE 23:46
Few companies provide their employees with few facilities such as car, mobile phones, laptops, etc. to do the company work. Once the person finishes the work, or quits the job, he is required to submit or hand over all the things back to the company.
The final word of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, teaches us, the believers a very important truth that many of us might have forgotten or have overlooked. The Lord Jesus Christ through His word reveals that He is the one sent by the Father to fulfill the plan and purpose which is to reconcile the sinful man with the Holy God, after cleansing the man from his sins.
Only after the Lord Jesus Christ had finished His duty, He commended His spirit with boldness unto His Father’s hands. We all are brought into this world to fulfill the purpose of God. These days, people are going into depression, and some are even killing themselves not knowing the purpose of their lives, while on the other hand, majority of them are deceiving themselves by taking wrong practices to fit into the purpose of their life. However, this is mostly seen in the world and what about the Church? How about the people in our assembly? Though they live in the congregation, many do not know what the purpose of their life is. All they are concerned about is the gifts and talents that they have, how to showcase them and how to make others praise them. It is enough for them if they keep singing songs in every gathering, sometimes playing music and sometimes preaching the Word of God in congregations. Doing very little, yet they feel they have accomplished the purpose of their lives and have done what God has desired of them.
Gifts and talents are only means to do the work of God, they are not the work of God. When God wants you to glorify Him, proclaim His word through songs, He gifts you with the talent to write, compose and sing a song. The ultimate aim and purpose is to proclaim His word. When you want to know the purpose that God has for you regarding your life, go to Him directly, instead of knocking everyone’s door seeking for help. It is God who gave you this life, so it is He who can tell you what He wants you to do. Read the Word of God for you will find Him speaking there. Only then can we boldly meet our Lord on that blessed day and say, “Lord, it is finished, and here I am.”
“Significance of Maundy Thursday”
Maundy is derives from a Latin word ‘Mandateim’ which means an official order or commission to do something. Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday is observed by many people of different countries, especially in the Catholic community. However, the significance of this Holy day is mentioned in its name – ‘Maundy’. This was the day the Lord Jesus observed the passover with His disciples. The key significance is the Lord Jesus taking a towel and washing the feet of His disciples. Here is the Son of God come to serve and not to be served. Today we see many pastors, preachers, teachers desiring to be given a top place in the churches, to be treated above everyone else, and will any of us take a towel and wash the feet of our co-brethren? It is a day to realize we are here to serve others, to be a blessing to many, to serve the Lord Jesus with all meekness and humility not with pride and arrogance.
There is an order or a commission for every believer to carry on while living on this earth. It is to live as the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. This discipleship includes no paperwork but requires spiritual work which includes the development of humility, forgiving nature, service oriented life, denying self and above all love. Many of us might have forgotten this commission to take up in our walk of life. Do not be discouraged by guilt, let us reconsecrate ourselves to take up the commission to be the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ on this Maundy Thursday!