Published On: Tue, Feb 14th, 2023

Walk Of Life – Day 14, February – Thoughts From the Book of Psalms

Psalm 130

What a profound Psalm that connects so much well with the readers!

V3 and V4 says “If You, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You, That You may be feared.” Is this not a very right confession? Who can stand before such a great holy God? He is the holy God without any blemish and peck of sin. One thing that He cannot bear is sin. A God who does not look into sin easily.

Deuteronomy 5:9 says “For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me”

In that case with holiness as the greatest attribute if He would consider us none could stand before Him. As we read in Romans 3: 23 – There is no one righteous, no not one. Will anyone dare to stand before Him? Absolutely not. From the moment that Adam fell, the individual sins we all commit and the inherited sin nature we receive from our forefathers, inevitably renders us all as guilty sinners before the Lord. Our transgressions condemn us and separate us from a holy God.

The words of the Psalmist are indeed a chilling reality of what we justly deserve as a member of a rebellious, sinful race of men, for if the Lord should mark our iniquities as we justly deserve, which of us could stand?

But God in His mercy, grace, justice, and love sent His Son to pay the penalty of every sin committed by every man. The wages of sin is death BUT the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, for as we read: “If the Lord should mark our iniquities, who could stand?” But there is true forgiveness, eternal forgiveness with our Father, through Jesus Christ the Son, that the Lord may be worshiped and glorified for ever and ever.

It reminds me of the hymn,

“Before the throne of God above I have a strong and perfect plea. A great high Priest whose Name is Love who ever lives and pleads for me. My name is graven on His hands, my name is written on His heart. I know that while in Heaven He stands no tongue can bid me thence depart.” (Bancroft & Cook)

Because He stands there, we can ‘stand’ before God. We can walk into God’s presence any time, any day to find the grace we need (Heb 4:16). This truth and this love makes all the difference when we come to God with our sin. He keeps no record of sin that is surrendered to him.

About the Author

- Being available to be used by the Lord, though not qualified depending upon His grace and Wisdom.