Walk Of Life- Day 15, April, 2022 – Thoughts On Good Friday.
“And He is the propitiation…for the sins of the whole world.” 1JOHN 2:2
GOOD FRIDAY, the day when the whole world remembers the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. The process that led to the death of the Lord Jesus Christ is widely preached. In the lives of few, it is the day of fasting and troubling themselves in the way they can, showing that they are willing to suffer on Good Friday. There are few places where they observe this day by recreating the crucifixion scenario, people bear the cross, give their bodies to bear the physical pain.
Is this what Good Friday all about? Is it why we have one day appointed in an year as Good Friday? No, it is not just what happened on the cross, but also about why it had to happen. If you only know what all happened on the cross, but do not know why it happened, then there is no use at all.
Dear friend, are you one of those who weep thinking of the pain the Lord Jesus Christ went through on the cross, not knowing why He did it? Lord Jesus Christ did not bear all that pain to gain our sympathy. He did that to save us. He had to go through that pain to save us. Now think, what is that we should be saved from. What is that great danger which is awaiting to welcome the mankind? It is the death, the eternal separation from the eternal God. We all are sinners without a doubt, striving to receive the wages for our sins, that is, the death. However, the eternal God who created man in His own image does not feel pleased when His beloved creation are going to hell for their sins. He knows the solution for the problem, and that is, a substitute who can bear the punishment of mankind upon Him and make the mankind free, reconciling with the eternal Holy God. Though being Almighty, He did not choose to go against His nature by simply forgiving the mankind by His word, but choose to fulfill the law, by taking the punishment on Himself to set us free. Not a little or half, but He paid it all. If He did not take that punishment, then a sinner like you and me would have ended up in hell.
Now, do you think that you should sympathize when you think of cross? Or should you be grateful and happy for it? Confess your sins, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as your savior. It is not any trick or scheme to pull you into Christ by telling or forcing you emotionally by telling how He suffered, but it is our attempt to let you know why He did it? The reason is you and me. While He was on the cross it was you and me in His thoughts. When you truly realize this purpose for His suffering, then your perspective of Good Friday entirely changes. The routine, nominal, traditional weeping turns to tears of gratitude. Not just for one day or Sundays, but on every day and at every moment when you commit sin, you look to the cross and seek for forgiveness, not just words, but with true repentance. Only then you will feel the pain of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross truly.
May this Good Friday help you to realize and proclaim the purpose of the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!