Walk Of Life – Day 15, November 2020 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs
The Lord is far from the wicked but He hears the prayers of the righteous – Proverbs 15:29
O You who hear prayer, To You all flesh will come (Psalm 65 : 2). our God is a prayer hearing and a prayer answering God and for sure we have tasted and experienced His goodness. He hears the deep down groaning of our heart.
Out of the depths I cry to thee, O Lord! Lord, hear my voice! let thy ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications!-Psalm 130:1,2 From wherever we cry unto Him He answers. There is a probability of three different answers.
God answers Immediately
Just like we read in Daniel 9:21 “While I was speaking in prayer, the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the first, came to me in swift flight at the time of evening sacrifice”
God answers in His own time
Abraham had to wait for a certain period of time to see the fruit of his prayer and the promise of God. Ecclesiastes 11:1 says “Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days.” This verse implies also to our prayers just like the works that we do.
Our salvation and other blessings that we enjoy at present has been given to us an answer to the prayers of someone. I take this moment to thank my grand parents, my sunday school teachers, VBS group teachers, Youth group counselors who have prayed for me.
God answers with a different answer
Apostle Paul says that he had been to the Lord thrice in asking Him to remove the thorn from His life but the answer which the Lord gave him is “My grace is sufficient for thee and my Strength is made perfect in all your weakness”.
Lord surely answers. It is our right to take to the Lord everything in prayer. Isaiah 50: 2 says
When I came, why was there no one? When I called, why was there no one to answer? Was my arm too short to deliver you? Do I lack the strength to rescue you? By a mere rebuke I dry up the sea, I turn rivers into a desert; their fish rot for lack of water and die of thirst.
Dear brothers and sisters, Our Lord reminds us about His waiting for us. Why should we linger carrying our burdens on our shoulders when we have our Abba Father waiting to listen to us and answer us. Stop toiling with men. Go to the Lord in prayer. Lay on His feet all your burdens, tell Him about your weakness He will never judge you. Share with Him your desires, He will lead you through it. Complain about those who did injustice to You, He will rebuke them. Talk to Him about your friends and show your concern for them. He is waiting to listen to you.
Kneel down and talk to Him to show your respect and reverance to Him. Walk and talk to Him as your friend. Sit and discuss with Him as Your Father. While talking to Him remember He is holy. Set right your things with Him. Confess all your sins and reconcile with men Or else our sins will block our prayers, As the Lord hears and answers the prayers of the righteous.