Walk Of Life – Day 16, October 2021 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs – Opt
Opt To Please The Lord
When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. – Proverbs 16: 7
“The Increased Desire To Please God And Seek HIS Approval Will Decrease The Desire To Seek Approval From Man” and this quote of Yvonne Pierre is very true. Pleasing God is pleasing Him in every way even though it’s not our desire. To find out His desire in every thing that we do or even think.
The key to pleasing God is, keeping His commandments. If you keep His commandments, your heart will be confident before Him, and you will receive whatever you ask. What a powerful promise! It’s almost unbelievable, but that’s exactly what John said.
But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).
This passage identifies faith—belief in God and believing He will do what He says He will do—as a prerequisite for pleasing God. It also gives a prime example of this kind of faith: Enoch (verse 5). Enoch lived in the increasingly evil world before the Flood, but he didn’t go the evil way other people were going. Instead, he “walked with God” and “he pleased God” (Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5).Enoch not only believed in the Creator God, he believed God would come to earth with “ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment” (Jude 1:14-15) and make everything right. Enoch knew that ungodly deeds bring evil results and must be replaced by godly deeds—walking the way God walks—for this world to experience real peace and joy.
When we believe in God and believe what He says, that faith will also please God.
The fear of the Lord pleases God.
“The LORD takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy” (Psalm 147:11).
It’s not that God delights in having us be terrified of Him. Psalm 147 describes God as the One who “heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (verse 3). The passage praises His mercy, His knowledge (He knows the names of all the stars!) and His power to save the humble (verses 4-6). The Bible tells us to fear God, not because it is good for Him, but because it is good for us to accurately recognize that He is more powerful than anything else. Acknowledging this shows our deep respect for Him.
Studying and following Jesus Christ’s example pleases God.
“This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” (Matthew 17:5). During a vision of the future Kingdom of God known as the transfiguration, God impressed on Peter, James and John the preeminence of Jesus Christ. Jesus truly was the Son of God, and there is no one who has pleased God more! We should all hear Him and follow His example.
Jesus said He always did “those things that please Him” (John 8:29), so we should study the four Gospels to learn how we, too, can please God.
And there are many other ways that we should opt to please our God. When we do so the blessings that are listed is unending and one of the blessing that we can be sure of through our today’s scripture is even our enemies will be in peace with us.
Dear brothers and sisters can we opt to please God Right from now forgetting whom we were pleasing so far.