Published On: Thu, Sep 15th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 16, September 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Psalm 54 – God Helps When People Betray

This psalm is a maskil written by David when the Ziphites betrayed David. Being from the clan of Judah, the Ziphites were supposed to help and support David during his time of trouble. Instead, they went to King Saul and plotted to capture and kill David twice. But God protected David who was able to escape both times.

This ruthless act made David sorrowful who prayed to God for protection.

  • First time, when David was hiding away from King Saul at Horesh in the Desert of Ziph, the Ziphites informed King Saul about his whereabouts. As the king and his men were closing in on David and his six hundred men in the Desert of Maon, God made the Philistines raid the land of Isreal so that Saul would break his pursuit of capturing David. 1Samuel 23:24-29.
  • Second time, when the Ziphites informed Saul that David was hiding in the hill of Hakilah which faces Jeshimon, God delivered the king with his army into David’s hand at night while they were all sleeping. But David did not hurt the anointed king and left with the king’s spear and water jug kept near Saul’s head to prove that he is not against the king. This convinced King Saul who left his pursuit and returned home. 1Samuel 26

On both occasions David looked up to God for strength and deliverance. Even though he had the chance to kill Saul twice, he would not lay his hands on him for he wanted God to judge the king in his righteousness. When you face similar situations where your own friends, family or brethren might betray or abandon you, remember that “the eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry” Psalm 34:15. If you walk righteously before God, He will come to your aid in unexpected forms for God is behind every human help. He will not only satisfy your needs but also sustain and deliver you from those who attack you unjustly.

Still, while God is taking his time to do that for you, do not suffer the voice of praise and thanksgiving to God in the church of the redeemed.

About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30