Walk Of Life- Day 18 February, 2023 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms.
Psalm 133
We must have witnessed few childish revenges that children take against their enemies. The common one during our time was to make the cycle tyre flat and make that boy or girl walk home dragging their cycle with them. Thinking of a bike, would you be able to ride a bike with zero fuel in it? Obviously, no!
Unity is such a powerful fuel that could lead a race, nation, a community and a family. That is why we read in the Indian ‘history about the Britishers who opted the ‘Divide and Rule’ policy to smoothly exercise their power over Indians at that time.
Just like how a vehicle cannot operate without fuel, any group cannot achieve its goal without being united. Considering many fellowships who lack unity these days, we may have wondered who could be the reason. We might have been accusing people and circumstances for this. However, our only enemy, the Satan is the root cause or the mastermind behind this great damage that we are going through.
Why would Satan want to see God’s people good and pleasant, living united? He knows it very well that once the children of God are united, they would do everything that pleases God. His desire is always to disturb God’s plans, by causing delays through disturbances. The word of God describes Satan as subtle. He would not come directly to us, manifest himself to cause disturbances openly. If that was the case, we would have put him to shame very easily. However, he uses people to do his work. He keeps waiting for a small opening through which he can enter into the hearts of the children of God. Once he finds a way, he would enter and use them as his slaves to achieve his motto.
How does this little space form in the children of God? It happens when a child of God neglects spending time with God by forgetting to read the word of God, meditate and pray. Slowly, they draw away from the fellowship with God and eventually run away from having fellowship with God’s people. Initially, they seem to be uninterested, proud and hurt God’s people with their words and actions. Later on, after realizing their downfall, they feel guilty beyond forgiveness, start hating themselves and get trapped by Satan very badly.
They have not just caused harm to themselves, but have damaged the work of God too. Trying to bring them back would have taken a lot of efforts. Being together, we can achieve greater heights in the LORD’s Ministry.
My dear friend, if you find yourself giving way for Satan silently enter, if you find yourself causing disturbances in the LORD’S Ministry, repent. God will forgive you and restore all that you have lost. If you know of somebody who has been away from God, causing disturbance to unity, pray for them, counsel them and bring them back to Christ. This is not as easy as it is told. It takes love, humility, perseverance. However, when we have Christ and remember that He dwells in us, it gets easy for us to show Him through us.