Published On: Fri, Jun 18th, 2021

Walk Of Life – Day 18, June 2021 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs – Fear Not!

Fear not for the name of the Lord is your strong tower!

The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. Proverbs 18:10

Have you heard of why towers are built and its purpose?  In olden days, during wars to protect one’s self from the enemy, people used to run to hide from the enemy, and also, when soldiers climb the tower he can also see if anyone is coming to attack the city.  The presence of a tower indicates and gives a message to the other city or nation that the people of that area are protected.

We are very blessed as we need not climb any tower or look for one. In terms of a nation and a country, today the way we are shielded and protected is different and we are grateful. As a believer in the Lord Jesus, to keep myself from the attacks of the enemy, I am shielded, defended and protected in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, name above every name is our strong hold.

Not everyone is running to it, the righteous run to it and they are safe.  The wicked one is not bothered about his safety because he is busy planning evil for others or enjoying the pleasures of this world.  The righteous one who accepted the Lord as Savior runs to this strong tower for his every need to be protected from the attacks of the enemy and is safe.

In the name of the Lord there is power to cleanse from any kind of unrighteousness, In His name, there is power to remove the evil forces, heal any disease, His name is a strong tower in times of troubles.   We can run to this safe tower at any point of time and there is no doubt of protection.  We are protected by the blood of Lord Jesus; protected from fears, anxiety, worry, anger, loneliness, rejection, and loss.  The strong tower is ever present to protect us, the whole issue is we do not run to it. In times of difficulty, in times of trouble, we get so anxious that we seek help from people and fail to look up to the Lord for prayer.

There are several names mentioned in the Bible of God.

Elohim – The Strong Creator God
Jehovah – The Relational God
Adonai – The God who Rules
Jehovah Jireh – The Lord our Power
Jehovah Tsaba – The Lord our Warrior
Jehovah Shalom – The Lord is Peace
Jehovah Rohi – The Lord my Shepherd
Jehovah Nissi – The Lord my Banner
Jehovah Mekoddishkem – The Lord who Sanctifies
Jehovah Rapha – The Lord Who Heals
El Elyon – The Most High God
El Shaddai – Lord God Almighty
Immanuel – God with Us

As you reflect on your life, think of how true many of these names have been to you. He is our peace, our warrior, our banner, our provider, our healer, our protector, El Shaddai, God with us, working in and through us. His name is all powerful. Run to Him when you are confused, lost, sick, feeling lonely, feeling like a lost forsaken sheep, defenseless, helpless…He is all that you need. You need not look for anyone else. He will be your everything and your all.

About the Author

- A born-again believer who loves to write and meditate deeply on the Word of God to know the heart and mind of Lord Jesus Christ. Few thoughts are shared here to bring souls to Christ and to uplift the fallen and also for me to learn first by writing whatever God speaks to me.