Walk of Life – Day 18 – October,2020- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.
Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the LORD. (NKJV)
Usually, many quote this verse for singles, let us ponder our thoughts on the ‘good things’. We find two important words in the above verse. They are ‘find’ and ‘obtain’. Though the verse begins with the word find, there is another word which comes prior to it. If we consider this verse carefully, there are three actions to consider, the first one is to ‘seek’, next is to ‘find’ and third one is to ‘obtain’.
To find a good thing and to obtain the favour of the Lord, we need to first seek Him. And it could be anything and not just in finding your spouse, but in every aspect of your life you ought to seek the Lord carefully, seeking is nothing but listening to His instructions and obeying his commands fully.
How can we find a good thing and along with it how can we obtain God’s favour? Though we are God’s Children, God freely gives us the freedom to choose what we ought to do. The first man and woman, Adam and Eve were free to eat whichever fruit they want in the Garden of Eden, except for the fruit that gives knowledge of good and evil, even after the instructions they were free to choose whether to eat or not. Inspite of the Lord’s one and only instruction they chose to eat the fruit and they also chose the end which followed their disobedience, to be out of the beautiful garden and all the good things that God had given them.
Our plans might not give us a positive result always. So, we need to seek for the one whose plans are always good concerning us. Our Lord has always got the best plans for us.
What does it mean to seek the Lord?
Seeking the Lord is to know His mind, which in other words is called to know His will. In many assemblies around the world, especially in our assembly, knowing the will of God is considered as the greatest privilege. There are many sermons, messages delivered by the great men of God about knowing the Will of God. The main source to know the mind of God is the Holy bible. This is the treasure to you find all the good things. When you accept these good things the way God offers you, you obtain His favour too.
Why do we have free will?
It is because our God never forces us. We are His children, but not slaves. He gives us a choice to choose between the world and the word. If you choose the world, your need may be satisfied for that moment, but it will not last long, moreover it leaves you pain and grief.
What will happen when you do not seek God’s will?
If you do not seek God’s will, you get frightened at every step, thinking you might have done something wrong. When you find God’s will and do accordingly, then you are at peace with God resting in His promises staying calm and bold irrespective of the circumstances. If you seek God’s will and still refuse to do accordingly then you will surely not find God’s favour in whatever task you do.