Published On: Sat, Sep 18th, 2021

Walk of Life- Day 18, September, 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs. Step In


Proverbs 18:10 “The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

When you are walking home and suddenly there is heavy downpour. What do you do, if you are not expecting the rain at that time? You would be searching for a shelter in some nearby building. You go to that building and stand inside, but the building does not come to you to cover you. Neither do you start constructing the building, you search for already built one.

Life’s journey is something like that. We are pilgrims on this earth. On our way we come across many unexpected troubles. We as the children of God should be aware that we have a constant tower that keeps following us throughout our journey, to provide shelter to us in times of trouble. However, you need to go to that tower. The tower that we have to protect us is the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our tower of protection, only safest place where we find shelter in times of trouble.

To approach Him we ought to have Him as our leader and guide. We cannot blame Him to be not available while going on our own path. Most of the times we go according to our own will and expect God to protect us from harm there, which is incorrect. This does not mean God does not help you at all if you go astray. He will protect you, become your shelter, only if you take a U turn. If you repent, seek for forgiveness and ask Him to help you, He will surely do out of His love.

Does this mean that when we go according to God’s will, we do not come across any troubles? No, the journey of a Christian is compared to a walk on petals and thorns, a constant warfare. Even though we are walking on the way the Lord prepared for us, we often face adversities. However, we have the assurance that the Lord Jesus is always beside us, to guide and to be our shelter whenever we are frightened to move forward. We can run to Him at any time.

This access is available for the righteous. Are we righteous by ourselves? No, we are not! We are justified, made righteous by the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. Only when you truly believe in Him, accepting Him as your personal savior, your journey with the Christ begins. Then can you run to Him for safety.

Let us, as His children determine to step in to be safe in the Lord.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.