Published On: Tue, Aug 18th, 2020

Walk of Life, Day 19 – August 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs.

Proverbs 19:20 “Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy later end.”

Every born-again believer receives heavenly blessings from the Lord Jesus. The Holy Spirit is one of them. As we read in John 16:13, the Holy Spirit shows us the things that are going to occur. In our spiritual walk, we come across many challenges at every step. In few cases, we will be required to react immediately. We will not have time to follow the procedure to know the will of God. What do we do in such cases?

As a child of God, we must remember one thing. God will never place us in a situation which we can not handle. He knows that we can overcome the trouble through His help. Sometimes he allows us to face the trouble and then teaches us through our every move. At other times, he prepares us and then lets us to face the troubles. Even in schools and colleges, our teachers or lecturers conduct surprise tests on the topics which have already been taught to us, but not on the topics which have not been taught.

Our God is our Heavenly Father who treats us like His beloved children. Which father would purposefully harm his children by letting them face the troubles all alone? Without preparing us, our God will never let us face any trouble.

How does God prepare us for such adverse situations? It is only through His word. By this we can understand how important Sunday schools and weekly church meetings are. Though we are born-again sometimes due to the cares of this world, we skip few weekly meetings. As the days pass by, we find the attendance decreasing in the prayer meetings and bible studies. There is a danger of becoming Sunday Christians at the end.

When I invited the Lord Jesus Christ into my heart, the first change that I observed in me was my change of attitude towards the word of God. Previously I attended meetings to mark my attendance. However, when I realized that my God speaks through His word, I wanted to listen more. That was the first youth retreat I attended after being born again. I prayed to the Lord Jesus saying, “God speak to me.” That day the topic was about marriages. I was very disappointed because I was just 15 years old at that time. I felt the topic is quite irrelevant to me so why should I even listen? But I can now say how great our God is. Not a single word of His is irrelevant. It may seem too early but it is only to prepare you for the upcoming future.

I really thank God today for placing me in a fellowship which is rich with the Word of God. The messages which I have heard all these years are helping me in many ways to teach me take my steps. Dear friend in Christ, never skip an opportunity to hear to the Voice of God through His word. We get good counsel and best instructions from Him. We might not know the need and importance of it now but later, it will help us to take wise steps.

This does not mean that you need to accept whatever you listen to from any random person. We need to be vigilant in knowing who is sent by God and who comes on their own. I heard in a sermon recently where the servant of God says,” Know the person by his fruit not by his gift.” We need to pray and be like the Bereans who searched the scriptures after listening to the message delivered by the apostles. Ask the Lord to bless you with the ability to discern between the voice of God and voice of Satan.

Do not be as a horse or a mule but be as the sheep which knows the master’s voice.


Dear Lord,

I thank you for giving me the Holy Bible through which you speak to me and guide me. Lord, fill me with a desire to hear your voice. At present I might not understand but Lord I know that you are preparing me for my future. In the precious name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I offer this prayer with thanksgiving. Amen.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.