Published On: Wed, Jan 20th, 2021

Walk of Life, Day 19- January 2021- Thoughts from the book of Proverbs.


Proverbs 19:29 “Judgements are prepared for scorners, and stripes for the back of fools.”

Judgement, the word itself causes some sort of fear in every person. the righteous stand bold and tall like a lion, but some even being righteous have a fear of being misjudged.

We all know it very well that this earth is not a permanent home for anybody living on it. We all have got a day appointed for our death. Only few of us know, what happens after we die.

We see that our journey on this earth is compared to a competition. What happens in the end of any competition is the judgement. Well, it is not exactly judging then, but it is announcing the result and thereby giving away the rewards for their performance.

There are 5 judgements  mentioned in the Holy Bible:

  1. The Judgement Seat of Christ.
  2. The Judgement of Regathered Israel.
  3. The Judgement of the Living Nations.
  4. The Judgement of the Fallen Angels.
  5. The Judgement of the Unbelieving Dead.

We ponder upon two judgements as we can relate ourselves to either of them. One is ‘The Judgement Seat of Christ” and the other is ” The Great White Throne Judgement or The Judgement of the Unbelieving Dead”.

How can we know to which judgement we belong to? And how are these judgements going to be?

Firstly, we will learn a little about the second judgement, that is, the great white throne judgement. It is for unbelieving dead ones. What did they not believe? They did not believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has shed His precious blood for the remission of our sins. Their ignorance and their negligence would take them to the lake of fire.

Dear friend, if you find yourself under this category, gearing up to meet the Lord at the White throne, by ignoring, and by giving a deaf ear to the gospel of Christ, turn back. Do not play with the Holy Spirit who has been reproving you of your sins, repent and see the work of the Lord Jesus in you.

Secondly, we will learn a little about the first judgement, that is, the judgement seat of Christ. it is for those who believe in the Lord Jesus. It is for His children. You might wonder saying, “Even after we become the children of God, are we still liable for punishment?”

Judgement is of two types. When students perform a skit on stage, at the end they will be judged by the judges to give away the prizes. When  a criminal, commits a crime, he will be judged by a judge in the court to award punishment. Though we use the word judgement in the both cases, there is a lot of difference in their action.

As children of God, we appear before His judgement seat, not to be punished, but to receive the rewards for the work we have done for the Lord Jesus Christ. Our work is going to be tested. What could be the parameters for judgement? I think there are only two parameters. They are: “Why you did the work?” and “How you did the work?”

You need not feel satisfied thinking, “It is enough if I become the child of God, I will escape from the punishment. Coming to reward I require none.” This can not happen. You can not be a backbencher in heaven too. Because God has taken individual care of you, He requires individual progress.

Our intentions are tested. Our intention should always be to glorify God alone, and nothing else. Secondly, while you take up the work, you need to be faithful throughout. You can not meddle with it by applying your own wisdom. You ought to be faithful by seeking the help of God always.

Dear friend, take a moment an see to which judgement you belong to. If you have found yourself belonging to the white throne judgement, as the Lord Jesus to forgive you. If you have found yourself unfaithful with bad intentions working for the Lord, change and surrender yourself completely to the Lord Jesus. It is not the Judgement which is old or new, but it is you who are going to change your perspective, attitude and destination.

NEW YEAR RESOLUTION: Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for saving me from that dreadful judgement which would send me straightaway to the lake of fire. Help me to have the only intention to glorify you on this earth while I do your work. Also, help me to be faithful at my every step, seeking your will. Thanking you , in Jesus’ precious name I pray, Amen.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.