Published On: Sat, Sep 19th, 2020

Walk of Life – Day 19 – September 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs

Wealth maketh many friends; but the poor is separated from his neighbour.  Proverbs 19.4

The differences between rich and poor, young and old, wise and foolish is always found in society and not only in the society but also has crept into our homes, schools, colleges, and also churches like seeds that are thrown everywhere growing in every place.  We are all dependent beings, there is no one on the earth who wants to be alone in this world all the time.  If they want to be alone and aloof, then there is really some problem psychologically which needs to addressed if one shares with any trusted person or an elder.  The Lord Jesus is our true friend, whether you have wealth or not, he is with us through good and bad times.

Now a days, it has become a trend to make youtube videos and they ask you like, share, and subscribe.  The more number of views or likes is said to be great, the more number of friends in FB is said to a famous person, and so on. Personally, how many friends he actually possesses no one knows.  The world is running only on numbers. The more money, more the friends.  When one is rich or famous, everyone wanted to be their friend thinking that it adds up value to them.  I have heard the testimony of a brother from my church and colony that he had many friends when he was into business as he was making a large amount of money when he was in his early 20s, once he faced loss in his business, all his wealth was gone in paying loans and penalties, and he had no friends left who were with him earlier.  Now he understood that money and friends are temporary and turned to God, became humble and simple and doing a secular job, being satisfied with his salary thanking God.

One thing we ought to remember is that God is the maker of everything in this world, he makes the rich and the poor, he lifts up one and puts down the other.  He does whatever pleases Him. Whoever helps the poor, the Lord helps them. When someone helps the poor and the needy it is as if we are treating angels and the Lord unawares.

Proverbs 19:17 He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.

Our Lord’s wisdom is deeper, none can understand his lofty purposes, he created the rich for the poor he wanted to see who is helping them.  Sometimes the rich are placed in a great position to help people who are poor or needy.  Queen Esther was placed in the kingdom for the sake of Gods people, she did not boast about it or forget her clan and their problems.  God gave her a heart to plead for the Jews earnestly.

God lifts one up, whatever is the need ask God, His word says My God shall supply all my needs. He definitely lifts up the poor and needy when we cry unto him, I have witnessed how he lifts up His chosen ones.  He is an amazing God. What is your heart’s desire? just to amass wealth or to find ways to use it for the glory of God, making prayerful decisions.  The Lord is kind towards his people; if anyone mocks the poor God will fight on their behalf.  However, are your eyes on the Lord waiting for His grace and blessing or are they on the people of this world seeking for their help.  We need to examine.

About the Author

- A born-again believer who loves to write and meditate deeply on the Word of God to know the heart and mind of Lord Jesus Christ. Few thoughts are shared here to bring souls to Christ and to uplift the fallen and also for me to learn first by writing whatever God speaks to me.