Walk Of life – Day 2, February 2021- Thoughts from The Book Of Proverbs
He stores up sound wisdom for the upright – Proverbs 2 : 7
Today’s thought is mainly for those who are preparing for the upcoming exams.
With the beginning of the lock down due to the pandemic, the first thing to be shut down was the schools and colleges. Final examination was going on for the students but still it became so important to shut down the educational institutions and hostels without giving any further announcement and life was so uncertain. From then, ONLINE CLASSES, ONLINE EXAMINATION became more familiar making the life of students more uncertain. Now again we have come to the time of EXAMINATIONS. Learning and understanding of subjects is quite difficult. There are many practical difficulties for the students at present. Whatever it may be my dear loving little brothers and sisters Do not Panic! We read in 1 Timothy 1:17 “Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, THE ONLY WISE GOD, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
We are The children of the Only Wise God and He has promised to grant us the wisdom that we ask of Him. Moreover, the wise King Solomon says that He stores up Sound wisdom for the upright. As the children of the Most High God we are called to excel. I’m quite sure that many have not started to prepare for their exams or there might be many chapters uncovered. Come on, stir up your mind to be very much diligent to prepare well for the exams. Before doing so remember the first instruction that we have received from our parents or Sunday school teachers. Ask the Lord to be your teacher.
Psalm 32:8 says “I will guide thee with mine eye” Ask the Lord to show you what to study and how to study. Seek the help of the Lord to overcome distractions. I really appreciate the present day students as you are surrounded by thousand and ways to distract you, but it’s a challenge that you have to take up. Be upright to claim the promise. Never try short cuts to excel. Remember, the promise is only to those who are upright.
Ecclesiastes 2:26 says “To the person who pleases him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness”. More than what we achieve, it is indeed important to Please God. When we live a life that pleases Him He has promised us that He will bestow wisdom, Knowledge and Happiness.
Steps to follow:
1. Pray before you start to study.
2. Though there is lot to study, never miss your quiet time with God.
3. Shun all the gadgets that distract you.
4. Take frequent breaks.
5. Have the habit of taking notes.
6. Keep writing in order to be tuned with the time and presentation standards.
7. Take in nutritive foods.
8. Give proper rest to your body.
9. Follow the instructions given by your teachers.
10. Be diligent.
Prayer : Father God, you are the source of wisdom and you have promised me to bless with Sound wisdom. Teach me the ways that I should employ to excel in all my exams. Giving you the glory i ask this in your most precious name. Amen.