Published On: Sat, Jan 2nd, 2021

Walk of Life- Day 2 – January 2021 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs


Proverbs 2:6 “For the LORD giveth wisdom; out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.”

We all know that King Solomon is the wisest person who ever lived on this earth. There was none who is as wise as the king Solomon till today. We require wisdom to lead a life without any regrets. Foolish deeds leave us with regrets and sometimes we are left to deal with irreparable loss. The wisest person, king Solomon shows us the source from where he gets his wisdom. His source is the only source of wisdom for the entire mankind. Except through this source there is no other place where you can find wisdom.

The source of wisdom is the Lord himself. We read in Colossians 2:3 that in the Lord are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Solomon being the son of great king David, never sought to obtain wisdom from the councilors, tutors or ministers who were probably present in the king’s palace. We see king Solomon’s prayer in 1 Kings 3rd chapter. He knew that the real source of wisdom is the Lord. He not just asked, “Lord, give me wisdom.”, but has also mentioned why he wanted that wisdom from the Lord.

At the least we learn three important lessons from the prayer that Solomon had made to get an understanding mind.

  1. Know and admit what you are: Solomon even after he was chosen to be the king after his father David, he never considered himself qualified thoroughly for that position. He knew what he was. He admitted his helpless state to the Lord without hiding anything. He says,” although I am but a little child. I do not know how to go out or come in.”
  2. Know in whose midst you are in: Unlike many of us who feel happy when we are appointed as a leader for a very small group of people, Solomon felt quite opposite. What could have made him different from us? Solomon knew that he is appointed as a king to the people who belong to the Lord. Solomon knew it very well that he was a king on this earth, but these people whom he should rule are the people of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He identified that his governance without the guidance of God would provoke God to anger. He says,” And your servant is in the midst of your people whom you have chosen, a great people,”
  3. Know what to ask, whom to ask: Solomon after he has finished quoting the above asks God to give him an understanding mind which would help him in discerning between evil and good.

My dear friend, the God who gave wisdom to King Solomon is the same today. God did not make Solomon wise just because he is a king and son of the man after his own heart, David. God heard the prayer of King Solomon which pleased Him. You can please God by humbling yourself and admitting your real state before Him. You have to question your prayers. I feel if we start questioning our prayers, most of our desires get disappeared. It is because we ask the Lord to give us wisdom to glorify ourselves, to show off. However, when we truly ask God for wisdom to glorify Him, He will surely grant us our wish.

You must have suffered losses in the previous years due to the decisions which you have made in haste depending on your own wisdom. This new year let us turn to the real source of wisdom, the Lord Jesus Christ who is willing to grant us the new wisdom without measure (James1:5).

Have you been frustrated waiting for wisdom for many long years? Question yourself, for what reason who have been asking God for wisdom. Is it for your self-glory? Sorry my friend, our God is not an owner of exhibition, where you get chances to show off. He wants you to surrender yourself to Him completely. He wants to use you for His glory.

Are you still wondering how to get to that only source of wisdom? The second part of the verse for the day tell us that ‘out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.’ Read the word of God and attend church gatherings where you get a great opportunity to glean the word of God, shared by His ministers. Do not neglect weekly meetings. Do not be a Sunday Christian. Learn and love to spend time with God in His presence at all times. Read Matthew 12:42, the queen of the south comes from very far land to see the wise judgement of king Solomon. The Lord Jesus Christ is greater than Solomon. Why does it pain for us to attend weekly meetings where we can hear and meditate upon the word of God?

In this way you will surely receive the ‘New Wisdom’ from the one who is greater than King Solomon, the Lord Jesus Christ.


New Year Resolution: Lord, help me to know that my attempts are futile without you. Let me see your purpose, your glory in whatever I desire. Grant me your new wisdom taking away my  futile, old ones to fulfil your purpose and to glorify your name from this new year 2021.

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.