Published On: Tue, Dec 20th, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 20, December – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

 Psalm 110 – Messiah, Priest, Conquering King

This is a messianic psalm of David where he records a secret conversation between the Father (LORD, Jehovah) with his co-equal Son (Lord, Jesus Christ) about his plans for the son. God revealed to David about his divine plan for mankind and gave him the wisdom to understand that from his lineage the Messiah would come who would bring salvation to all mankind.

Israel was waiting for the Messiah who would liberate them from the Roman rule. They could only think on earthly terms and were waiting for a mighty leader like King David. None could understand that the secret of his kingdom was about becoming a way for mankind to be restored to their Father in heaven. This could only be done when a lamb without blemish would be sacrificed to make atonement for the sins of all mankind.

Messiah appointed by Yahweh – God appointed priests to make sacrifices for the atonement of sins, but it did not please God for none were holy enough to restore the original order. Since nothing is as holy as God himself, He prepared a body so that his Word itself would take form of flesh and live on earth till the appointed time would come for the sacrifice to be made for the atonement of sins. Lord Jesus is that sacrificial lamb appointed by God, it is by his precious blood that was shed on the cross for us, we are cleansed and made blameless and holy acceptable in God’s sight.

Messiah honored by Yahweh – God raised Lord Jesus from the dead who is ascended to heaven where He now sits at the right hand of the Father till the time comes for all the power of darkness to be destroyed.

Messiah recognized and accepted by his People – Jewish Law does not accept God in any material form because of which they were not able to accept Christ as the Messiah. But God opened the minds of many men who became the disciples of Christ who went on a mission like soldiers to places led by the Holy Spirit to spread the good news to the ends of the earth.

Messiah the High Priest – Perfection was not attained by Levitical priesthood even though they offered sacrifices day after day. That’s why another priest was required, one in the order of Melchizedek who was a King of Salem and High Priest of God. With an oath God made his son, Jesus Christ a high priest whose death did not prevent him from interceding for us before God forever.

Messiah the conquering King – Sitting at LORD’s right hand, He waits for the time appointed for him to return with his vast angelic army to judge the whole world. The angels will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and who do evil and will be thrown into the blazing furnace where there will be weeping and gashing of teeth. Only the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.

After saving all those who have called unto his name, the son will be glorified and exalted forever and ever in heaven by the angels and those whose name is written in the Book of Life. So, let us put every effort to be a fruitful branch so that we will rejoice in heaven with our Lord.

About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30