Walk of Life – Day 20 – September 2020 – Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs
Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find? Proverbs 20 : 6
The verse says ‘most men,’ which is so true…by nature, most men or women also have the tendency to announce their good deeds and proclaim their works. They want to be known as good in the sight of everyone. It encourages them so much. In fact, everyone likes to be praised but most men try to boast and make their presence felt. All of us, at some point or the other, try to be good which is important, however the most important truth is that God is on a lookout for faithful people. God needs faithful people, God wants to reward faithful ones, God wants to take them along with Him to be seated alongside Him. The Lord is looking for persons faithful in thoughts, words, and deeds.
The proverb ends with a question says a faithful man who can find? Its hard to find men of integrity. When you are in Christ, the old things ought to completely be removed and cast away from the heart. One has to be faithful to God in word, the one who fears God will keep his word. He is faithful in the word that was given to both man or God. Whatever it may cost, he will keep it. You may understand that one who has no fear of the Lord couldn’t be faithful to God nor keep his word or the vows that he has made.
The Bible says ” Moses was faithful in all his house.” Moses led the children of Israel 40 years in the wilderness, he built the tabernacle, he obeyed the Word of the Lord 100%. He stood by his word. He followed the Lord wholeheartedly. He spoke to the Lord as friend to friend.
God has many blessings in store for the faithful. God himself is faithful. God is watching our faithful deeds including every little thought, deed, and action. Our faithfulness to God is shown is us being faithful to our spouse, son/daughter, parents, master, leader, or pastor. Being faithful is sticking to our yes as yes and no as no, anything other than this is from the evil one the word of God clearly tells. Its about keeping our vows, which includes vows made to God after being saved, in a revival meeting, before receiving a blessing, marriage vows, rules signed before joining a firm, rules of the Government, and rules that we set to ourselves and to our spirit in order not to ruin our spirit and soul.
Well done thou good and faithful servant is what the Lord is waiting to call us. If you observe each word carefully, we need to do well first and be good not just good but be faithful not as a leader or a king but as a servant. We need to be humble and simple forsaking the pride of life which can easily creep in through the good works that one does. Let’s make it a point not just to show off goodness but to be truly humble at heart uplifting others and counting brethren good and be faithful from the bottom of our hearts. Integrity is a beautiful quality that brings us in favor with both God and man.