Published On: Mon, Sep 20th, 2021

Walk of Life- Day 20, September,2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs. Step In.


 Proverbs 20:22 “Say not thou, I will recompense evil; but wait on the LORD, and He shall save thee.”

The toughest period in the life of a child of God is the waiting period. Strangely we neither go according to the world, nor do we exhibit the traces of patience required to wait for God to work. Waiting seems so annoying at times. However, this waiting can turn from an annoying to an amazing experience by seeing the purpose of the Lord, which is always good towards His children.

In a way, we are truly blessed, yet foolish. If we look back into the Old Testament, Abraham waited, Joseph waited, knowing not the time when the Lord is going to bless them, and not even having the scriptural references of the past miracles performed by the Lord. Are we not blessed? We have the word of God which has a record of how God helped and exalted the servants of Him that waited upon Him.

Sometimes, the work appears to be greater to us when compared to the purpose that God has behind that work. Many of us have been living in a wrong intention that of it is related to God, then we need not delay. It is not harmful to anyone so, it is good that we do it quickly. This reminds me of Peter, one of the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. On the mount of transfiguration, when he saw Elijah and Moses ministering unto the Lord Jesus Christ, he immediately suggested that he will build tabernacles for the three and dwell there. Immediately, he heard the voice from the heaven saying, “This is my beloved son: listen to him.”

We behave like Peter many a times, not just in the house of the Lord, but in many other aspects also. We are always in a hurry to get the things done, considering our thoughts and our imaginations. We fail to realize that the one who holds and has the power over the past, present and future is the Lord Jesus Christ. We device many plans, but it is His thought that is going to be established.

As a child of God, no matter how long it takes for you to receive God’s answer regarding any matter, do not give up on waiting on the Lord. The world might hurry you, but if you wait on the Lord, diligently seeking for His guidance, God will never let you down. He will surely give you the best that He has been preparing you for during this waiting period.

We know that the waiting in this world for worldly issues can cause despair. For example, you are waiting for a bus at the bus stop. It has been an hour, you feel very tired and exhausted. Is it not? But, when we wait on the Lord, we renew our strength, we do not lose it. During this waiting period, God teaches us many new things and prepares us to make us able to be handling the blessings that he has kept in store for us.

Let us determine to wait on the Lord.



About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.