Published On: Sun, Aug 21st, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 21, August 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Psalm 38 – Prayer Of A Afflicted Sinner 

In this psalm, David expresses deep distress and agony that he was suffering due to his sins. It is unclear as to what was the sin that displeased God, but through this psalm we know that he was punished for it. As the result of his sin, David suffered a great deal of physical pain in the form of illness or injury and the spiritual disconnect with God felt like as if an arrow was pierced into his body.

Result of sin

  • Separation from God – God’s heavy hand of correction was on David and He did not answer him till the work of discipline was accomplished through his suffering.
  • Separation from good health – God punishment came to David in the form of injury which would have led to his illness. His eyesight, back and his heart was affected and no strength was left in his body. He had become so feeble and would groan with pain on his bed.
  • Separation from relations – David’s wounds were so infectious that even his family and friends had to stay away from him and could not comfort him.
  • Separation from safety – David’s enemies took advantage of his situation and plotted against him.
  • Separation from defense – David was so depressed and afflicted that he felt powerless to respond to these attacks. His inability to defend himself meant that he needed God more than ever.

Confess your sins

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1John 1:9

  • David put forth his petition unto God. He did not try to hide his sin but rather boldly approached the throne of grace with true repentance in his heart. He confessed his sins and hoped that an honest and heartfelt telling of his misery would move God’s heart. He pleaded that God would not deal with him like the judge of this world but rather discipline him like a compassionate father.

Rebuild your relation with God

  • In his suffering, David made every effort to mend his relationship with his Heavenly Father. He reminded himself that God is his salvation and He will never forsake those who call on his name.

Unlike David who suffered for his owns sins, Lord Jesus had to face physical pain and spiritual separation from his Father because of our sins. At the cross, when He cried for help, God had to turn away his face from the son as the sins laid upon him was so great. How painful it would have been for Lord Jesus to suffer like that in body and in spirit without groaning.

Yet we see today that God’s children have taken his grace and mercy for granted and they behave in the way that pleases them. Whoever carefully reads this psalm will see what a grievous and bitter thing it is to sin against the Lord after having known his mercy. Dear Reader, be on your guard; a life of righteousness may be lost by giving way to a moment’s temptation and a fair character sullied forever.

About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30