Published On: Thu, Jul 21st, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 21, July 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Psalm 16 – A Life Committed to God

This Psalm is called Miktam of David which means ‘to cover’. It is a prayer of protection made by David silently in his heart. David, a shepherd boy had to take hundreds of flock to gaze in the forest which was challenging and dangerous as wild beasts often attacked the flock. David constantly prayed to receive strength and protection from God.

  • David starts with asking God to preserve or safeguard his life because he understands that only Elohim can protect him from the evils which could easily entice him and from dangers unknown to him. As he prayed in silence, his inner being cried out to Yahweh (LORD) acknowledging that his existence and his goodness comes from Adonai (Lord) and he is nothing without him.
  • Even though handful of people followed the paths of Yahweh, David saw past their weakness, failures and wrong doings and always delighted in God’s chosen people. He took every opportunity to show God’s love and care for them but was careful not follow their mistakes by worshipping other gods and following evil practices for it only led to sorrow and destruction.
  • In Numbers 18:20, God tells Aaron that his descendants, the Levites will have no inheritance in the promised land, for the LORD himself is to be their inheritance. The life given to us is mostly spent in becoming wealthy and seeking pleasures that will fade away. But David who was anointed to be Israel’s next King did not desire any power, materialistic richness or any inheritance from his father. He trusted that God would maintain his lot while he rejoiced being in God’s presence most of the time.
  • He always put the LORD first in his life, whether he faced the ferocious lion or the giant Goliath, he was never shaken because he had faith that God’s mighty hand would deliver him. Even at night, he would examine his heart and would be guided by God in various matters.
  • Time spent with Elohim transformed his mind leading to heavenly wisdom. God revealed to him that God’s plan for his faithful servants was beyond this life and that through his ‘Holy One’, his children will enjoy eternal pleasures in heaven.

To commit your life to God comes with a cost of denying yourself worldly pleasures, fame, wealth and social status. Like David you need to trust the decisions taken by you even in times of crisis. For God has set you apart for his good works and every challenge that you are facing is not unknown to God. But if you follow those Israelites who thought it was futile to serve God and desired the prosperity of the evildoers and called the arrogant blessed (Malachi 3:14,15), then you will lose the eternal inheritance God has made secure for you in heaven. So, let us continue to “Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling.” Psalm 2: 11

About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30