Walk Of Life – Day 21, June 2021 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs – FEAR NOT
The horse is prepared for the day of battle, But deliverance is of the Lord. – Proverbs 21:31
What a comfort and peace this brings to our heart. Even if we have the world’s most wealthy person as our friend or as our relative we will not receive this great comfort. It is only our Lord who delivers us from all traps and gives us the victory. I’m sure that this verse taken for today’s meditation has a great impact in most of our lives. We get entangled with problems in various ways. May be personally, professionally, financially, knowingly or unknowingly, because of our own faults or through someone else. The only way that we can get loosened from all these tangles is by placing our trust in the Sovereign Lord.
When I personally got into a deadly trap about which I’m ashamed to share in this platform, I tried many ways to come out of it through my own craftiness. Nothing seemed to work out. The more I tried the more tighter were the chords. Whenever I think about that particular phase of my life the only thing that reminds me again and again is the time that I wasted in trying to handle the situation by myself. Though it was quiet late, the moment I fell down on my knees, surrendering my life and the consequences of sin things started changing in my life.
There is a quote of John Newton, which is close to my heart that goes like this
““We serve a gracious Master who knows how to overrule even our mistakes to his glory and our own advantage.”
Now praying alone cannot deliver us out of some situation. It is good to pray when you are in a tight spot but, in addition to prayer, we must learn how to praise. In other words, we must keep on praying until we reach the point where we don’t have to pray anymore. We have an assurance in our heart, the Holy Spirit gives us a witness in our heart, God has heard our prayer and then, what do you do after that? Supposing you are asking for something and, after sometime, you hear a witness in your spirit that it is been granted, what do you do? Then you praise God, you thank Him. That is the evidence of faith and then, through that praise, we make a way for the God to show us His deliverance.
Here is beautiful story where we read of a great multitude of enemies that surrounded King Jehoshaphat. When King Jehoshaphat was surrounded by such a great multitude of enemies, he called the whole nation of Judah too seek God in fasting and prayer. They prayed to God and, in their prayer, they acknowledged three things. They acknowledged their helplessness, they acknowledged their foolishness, and then they acknowledged their faith (2 Chr. 20:12). As we continue reading His prayer and praise these are the concluding words of King Jehoshaphat “But our eyes are on you; we are trusting in you.” We read in the rest of that chapter (take time to read it) that the enemies were thoroughly defeated. They went out praising God. They didn’t take any weapons; neither bows nor arrows. They just went our praising the Lord. Jehoshaphat believed God and he sent a choir of people praising God. We read in verse 22,”As they began singing and praising the Lord,” exactly like in Psalm 50:23, the Lord opened the door for them to be delivered and the enemies were defeated. Not only the enemies were defeated, we read later on in that chapter, but that Israel became rich with the wealth of their enemies. This is the secret. Whatever situation you are in, learn to praise God and you will find God opens a door for you to be set free.
My dear brother or sister, are you entangled because of your own faults? Are you scared to open out to any other human being regarding that they might judge you? Are you experiencing great storms which others are unable to understand? Are you tired of the battle? Are you in a state of giving up?
FEAR NOT! The deliverance is of the Lord.