Published On: Thu, Jul 22nd, 2021

Walk of Life, Day 22- July 2021- Thoughts from the Book of Proverbs. Be Diligent

Be diligent to excel in your work.

Proverbs 22:28 “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings, he shall not stand before mean men.”

Who would not be desiring to be standing before a king? To be recognized by a higher authority a man strives a lot. People can never be sick of being recognized for good and being praised. Not just thinking or dreaming about the excellence,but we ought to know how we can acquire that excellence. It is through diligence as the wise king mentions in Proverbs 22:29.

Without being diligent in our work, we cannot except excellence in our lives. Have you seen a farmer sowing corn and reaping wheat? We harvest what we sow. When you work with diligence you reap excellence. It is so simple that we quite often error in working with diligence.

As a child of God we have two business. One is the work that God has assigned to us and the other is the work that we do for a living. In both of these fields we ought to show diligence.

There are few people who consider that the work that we do in the house of God, for God is being watched by Him, if He does not like it, He might show His wrath on us. So, we will do it with all diligence. When it comes to their office work, they find every way to escape or to get the work done, without thinking of the quality. Do you think that this brings glory to God? Never, our God is not limited to your spiritual life. When you become His child, you accept Him to be the Lord of your entire life. There is not such aspect or field in your life which God cannot own or rule.

There are others who work very passionately at their work place, but when they come to the house of God they do it passively. Their thought would be that God is somewhere, we do not see him watching. So, why should we waste our energy? Whereas,at work place they work very hard as their boss or colleagues keep watching them and appreciate them.

We should be pleasing God always, but not men. This does not mean we should go against our office rules. Following the rules set up by your authority is also a work that pleases God. For example, in your office there is a rule of being punctual. You arrive late to the office, giving an excuse that you had quiet time, so you were late. This does not call for pleasing God or prioritizing God. This shows your negligence and craftiness. When you be unpunctual for pleasing God, is not pleasing Him, but putting His name to shame.

We should learn to do all the work, either spiritual or secular with all diligence. Only then can we excel in our lives. Remember, one day allmthe work that we do, makes us stand before the righteous king, the LORD Jesus Christ. On that day our work is going to be tested in fire. If our work is to please men, how much ever big or heavy work that it might seem, it gets consumed in the fire. If your work is to please God and is done according to His instructions, then it’ll stand the fire and bring you the due reward.

My dear friend, from now let us examine how are we working at our work place and at our assembly? Is it with diligence to excel or with bad and lazy intentions?

About the Author

- A follower of Lord Jesus Christ, learning from Him at every step - the way to live. Nothing makes me happy except hearing from Him through His Word. Whatever I write is what I've learnt from Him.