Published On: Thu, Sep 22nd, 2022

Walk Of Life – Day 22, September 2022 – Thoughts From The Book Of Psalms

Psalm 60 – God Can Turn Your Failure To Success

This psalm is a Miktam of David addressed to the Chief Musicians set to the tune of “Lily of the Testimony” composed with an intention to instruct the present and future generation to rely on no one else but God alone during challenging times. The timeline of this psalm fits after King Saul’s death, when David started reclaiming the land of Israel and when he subjected neighboring counties like Syria, Philistia, Moab, Edom, Ammon and Amalek.

Defeated By Enemies

  • Through this psalm one can understand that David and his armies fought against foreign enemies and must have experienced some measure of defeat initially. David knew that when the Lord fought for Israel, victory was assured; if there was defeat, it was likely because God was displeased. The defeat was so severe, it seemed that Israel would not recover from it. David felt as if the whole earth shook at the defeat of God’s people as they were left to get confused in battle like a drunkard. But he also hoped that when Israel would repent and correct themselves, God who could shake the earth and crack it could also heal its breaches.

Hope Of Restoration

  • This divine separation was much worse for David who understood that what God does in judgment or discipline, He can restore in love and mercy. He recollected how God gave victory to Joshua over the Amalekites in Rephidim, while Moses lifted up the staff of God in his hands towards heaven supported by Aaron and Hur on the mount. The altar “Jehovah Nissi” which Moses built was a reminder that only by trusting God and displaying his banner, one can gain victory over any enemy or difficult situation. Exodus 17: 8-16. Claiming to be God’s beloved people, David hoped that having greater allegiance with God will certainly ensure their future victories.

Victory Is The Lord’s

  • David now realized that every victory that Israel had was the Lord’s for the land was specifically chosen and was given to the descendants of Abraham by God. The land of Shechem, Valley of Succoth, Gilead, Manasseh, Ephraim and of Judah geographically was given to sons of Jacob but God has Lordship over all of Israel and it is He who fights for it and helps his people to reclaim it.

From Defeat To Victory

  • God gave his faithful servant David many victories which is recorded in 2 Samuel 8,10 and 1Cronicles 18, 19. Even the fiercest enemy with their fortified cities could not stop David’s army to penetrate their strongholds and overpower them. For it was Yahweh who gave the soldiers the strength to overpower the ungodly so that all nation would know and fear the God of Israel.

What battles are you facing today? It could be emotional, spiritual, social, financial, bad habits or any other kinds. If you are failing constantly, don’t be dismayed, but next time do not do the mistake of facing it alone. Victory will be assured only if you prayerfully let God take control of the situation. Just as Yahweh has Lordship over Israel, Lord Jesus has ownership over you and the church as you have been redeemed by his precious blood. Therefore, “the battle is not yours, but God’s. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you.” 2 Chronicles 20:15,17

About the Author

- "And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified." Romans 8:30