Published On: Wed, Dec 23rd, 2020

Walk Of Life – Day 23, December 2020 – Thoughts From The Book Of Proverbs


For surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off. – Proverbs 23: 18

When Simeon held the infant Jesus in his arms in the temple courtyard, we see more than just an old man taking hope in any new-born. Rather, we see an old man who has put his hope in the promises of God. This was no ordinary new-born! He was the fulfilment of God’s promises to His people. As we observe this elderly saint with this child in his arms, we learn some valuable lessons about the hope we all so desperately need.

Simeon had his hope fulfilled by being “Righteous and Devout” which we see in Luke 2:25. He quietly and consistently obeyed God, even when people weren’t looking and being very careful about his spiritual life.

Simeon was looking expectantly which we understand from the term that describes him which is “He was looking for the consolation of Israel.” Though there are many generations that have come and gone Simeon lived expecting the coming of Messiah, The Anointed one who will deliver Israel.

Simeon was filled with the Holy Spirit and from verse 25 to 27 we read about Holy Spirit thrice. “the Holy Spirit was upon him.” “It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit…” “He came in the Spirit into the temple.” Here is an Old Testament saint, living before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, and yet he probably lived more in the fullness of the Spirit than most Christians today!

So, to hope in Christ is to be Righteous and Devout, to be expectant and to be in the Holy spirit.

Hoping in Christ will be rewarded.

Simeon was rewarded for the hope that he had. He did not regret for the hope that he had for all the years of his life.

Understanding the things of God: –

He was rewarded with the understanding of the things of God. The place of the birth of Jesus was revealed to the shepherds and now also to this old man Simeon. He understood through the Holy Spirit that this very Child in his arms was the Lord’s promised Anointed One. He knew that not all would welcome Him, but that there would be opposition resulting in much anguish for Mary (2:34, 35). From Isaiah the prophet, Simeon knew that this Child would be for Israel “a stone to strike and a rock to stumble over” (Isa. 8:14).

Fulfilment of Godly desires: –

Simeon was rewarded with the fulfilment of his Godly desires. His deepest desire in life had been to see the consolation of Israel, the Lord’s Christ. When the Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon, “This is the one.” He responded, “I’m ready to die now that I have seen this Child!” His godly desires had been fulfilled.

Readiness to depart from the world: –

“Now, Lord, let Your bond-servant depart in peace, according to Your word” (2:29). The picture is of a sentinel being relieved of his watch. Simeon has watched for Messiah all his life. Now he has seen Him and is ready to be relieved of his duty and go home. He was ready to die in peace because he had seen Jesus Christ.

If Christ is your salvation, you can have hope no matter how difficult your circumstances.

Whether you’re suffering from a deadly disease or grieving over the loss of a loved one or facing overwhelming trials of some other nature, you can have hope if you will trust in Jesus Christ as God’s salvation for you. He has won the victory over sin and death and hell. Those who hope in Him will not be disappointed!

In Christ alone my hope is found!

About the Author

- Being available to be used by the Lord, though not qualified depending upon His grace and Wisdom.