Walk Of Life Day 23, June 2022 – Thoughts From The Words Of Christ.
Jesus Heals a Deaf and Dumb Man.
Scriptural reference: Mark 7:31-37
verse 35 : “And straightway his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spake plain.”
Though the ultimate purpose or mission of the Lord Jesus Christ was to deliver mankind from the wages of sin through His death, He did heal many that were sick and had even raised certain people from the death to be bring glory to the Father, while He lived amongst the people. The miraculous work that we read about in Mark 7:31-37 shows us a man who was both deaf and dumb (has problem in speech). The Lord Jesus Christ draws him aside and heals him. The words that seem fascinating here are ‘opened’ and ‘loosed / released / freed’. When the Lord Jesus said unto him ‘Ephphatha’, that is, ‘Be opened’, the deaf man could hear as his ears were opened and he could speak plain as his tongue was freed.
Spiritually, we are like that man who was once deaf and dumb. We must have attended many meetings, heard many sermons, read the Holy Bible number of times, but could we hear the ord speaking to us every time we approached Him? Have you had the experience of hearing to His voice? We sit down to have our quiet time with the Lord. We read His word as our daily portion. Once we finish we just end it with prayer and leave for the other chores, but have we ever wondered if we could hear God’s voice? Why is it so that we take this for granted, we do things mechanically as a tradition? Many these days think it is a tradition to have family prayer, quiet time. They feel something bad is going to happen if they do not read the word of God before leaving for work. It is not because of these fears, but we ought to do these precious things out of love for Christ. If you really love a person, you would be doing the things that the person likes. For doing so, you will try to learn about that person, listen to him. When a person does not speak to us, we get more restless, thinking where we have gone wrong. However, when we do not hear God speaking to us, we ignore either thinking God must be busy or God might have nothing to speak that day. It is not God who is unwilling to speak, but it is your ears that are not proper to hear. The ears are blocked. What is that blocks our ears?
How many times have we tried to worship, praise and pray using all the best vocabulary that we have in our memory? How long has it been that you worshipped, praise and prayed with all your heart in truth? Our spiritual tongue is bound, but still we manage to use our biological tongue, deceiving ourselves as well as the people around us. What is that which binds our tongue?
Our ears are blocked and our tongues are bound by ‘sin’ alone. When we sin, we cannot hear God’s voice until we obtain forgiveness, we cannot praise Him. With sin we cannot approach the Holy God. Sin in God’s view has no comparison saying a small sin and a big sin. the person who kills ten people and the one who speaks lie are both sinners, there is no bachelors, PG and PhD in sinning. Many a times we think that if the sin does not seem bigger to us we can overlook it and continue our walk in the Lord. We think even the Lord would be overlooking it. No. it is never like that. Whenever your conscience reminds you of your sin, immediately seek for forgiveness from the Lord. At times we might forget where we have went wrong, so every time you approach God, ask Him to show you where you have gone wrong, be willing to correct yourself continually. Only then you can enjoy the experience of Ephphatha. You can hear Him and also plainly worship Him in all truth and uprightness.